Friday, December 5, 2008

Enough is Enough ..sometimes too "enough".

..when you said "I think CXX is like a dumping ground for people who cannot make it in SXX"
(Thanks.. I really need that kind of statement now.)

..when you said "What you think you could have done better? Maybe if you have done something different you wouldn't end up in this state"
(Again, thanks. I didn't know it has become my fault that things have turned out this way. And as if things will turn around by going through this process)

..when you said "you are really a difficult person to get along"
(Just great. Not only professionally challenge, characteristically challenged now too)

..when you said "You know..(ex-flame's name) is getting married..again". Paused silence.
(You sound just too happy to tell me that. What were you expecting me to reply..)

..when you said "What I said is all facts what..why you cannot accept facts"
(Facts according to you. And even if they are factual, that don't make them right)

..when accusation starts to fly when I declined your help, and it becomes my fault for acting up. Again.
(I didn't know that your help comes with the condition that I must accept whatever you say, no matter how hurtful they are)

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