Sunday, July 22, 2012


Annie The Musical

Talk about optimism - the sun'll come out tomorrow, and its only a day away!


在机缘巧合之下, 和三闺密一同看了郭宝“老九”。 原著是一出话剧,但实践剧场为了郭宝崑节而改编成一出音乐剧。每一首的歌的曲和词都娓娓动听,一看写曲和写词是被和多歌手要歌的黄韵仁和小寒,也难怪。

我倒觉得,最呛戏的,是陈建彬和林继修(Lim Kay Siu!) 在第二段的对唱, 和将近尾声的木偶和皮影戏。舞台历练多,一举一动,一唱一和,感觉轻轻地,不经意地就带出来了, 让人听出耳流。多变和精彩的木偶和皮影戏,视觉效果让人眼前一亮。那我和闺密都一致认同,声线最动听的是饰演 ”大马“ 的演员(忘了什么名字)- 宏亮不失磁性。



总的来说,”老九“是好看的。接下来,和闺密约好看 “暴雨将至 - 傻姑娘与怪老树”“灵戏”, 支持支持本土的剧场!


Batman The Dark Knight Rises

Best Batman movie IMO!! I never was a Batman fan, I didn't even watch the Dark Knight (which gave the world a lot of copycats Jokers during many Halloweens thereafter) until like maybe this year. But while most of the Batman movies will make you feel that it's more Gotham-like and surreal, this piece had a realist take, and and plot was masterful (even though it's kinda predictable but the twist came so unexpected that I didn't see it coming). 

Sometimes you also feel that the actors are wrongly chosen for the characters (like I can't imagine how they can choose michelle pfieffer to be the Catwoman), but I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anne Hathaway nailed both characters to a T. 

Totally deserve the 5 stars I saw in some reviews.


All 3 in the same week! This must be my lucky week....

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Duel

Step up, salute
Advance and engage

Thrust and parry
A duel, leaving only
the last one to stand

Beyond the mask
of stoic indifference

A fleeting glimpse of
Blue skies shadowed by 
flurry of maneuvers 

But we already lost 
Each other
in this dance of conquest and defence


Monday, July 16, 2012

Falling sick

Certainly feels like that. ..hah..hah...ahh...hmm..

Ok the stress is getting to me from the past few weeks, and my head is swarming now. Not good.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Unconventional Celebration

This has been a harrowing week. With work deadlines jam packed one after another, I swear the cosmic button is at work again. While work is still meaningful (cross fingers), there is definitely more in life than work

Like the event I attended today.

Was invited to a special celebration by 2 friends today. Being typical Asians, I guess they didn't really want to flaunt the reason for the celebration, but the event photo of the Facebook invite was quite clear that this has something to do with them being together for the longest time I can remember (when I was still schooling?). And a picture at today's event venue, of them holding hands showing their rings on their wedding fingers said it all.

And by the way, that picture clearly showed the LGBT rainbow flag in the background.

So it was the unconventional and "un-wedding" like celebration ever, though the requisite  food, wine and conversations were aplenty. The "wedding" couple dressed simply, mingled amongst friends, with no lavish display of processions like how you would see in most (if not all) weddings celebrations nowadays. You would have passed this off as a normal mass friends' gathering instead.

Was especially touched, but unsure why. I guess with all news about people's breakups, divorces, having something so simple as having two persons committing to each other by virtue of a promise, it is really the essence of the whole concept of marriage, commitment and love, notwithstanding whether if there are any witnesses in testimony to that, or have any fancy celebrations to prove a point.

I wish them the best together, but I think that has pretty much been cemented already :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

在其位 谋其政

今天早晨,友人无聊,平白无故地传简讯送了一句话 - “不在其位 不谋其政”

孔子论语里的一句话。不难,一看词句,也能猜到含义。相反地 -在其位,就得 谋其政。

就那么巧/衰,今天就让我碰着了 各 一个 “不在其位 不谋其政 ,在其位 而 谋其政”的状况。



(为什么友人就不传 好一点的,好像前程似锦,花好月圆之类的......悲催!!)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I never knew it could be so hard...

Right now, my head is bursting at the seams with the seemingly simplest but yet, hardest-to-come-to-a conclusion question:-

What Lights????

Friday, July 6, 2012

To the shadow at every corner...

“The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.
But still there is much that is fair. 
And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, 
the greater"

Sunday, July 1, 2012




吃完饭,嘴馋,过了几条街找甜品。经过地铁站,讲起那里附近的原貌馆。突发奇想,早年新加坡秉持着经济繁荣的牌柄招揽的我们的祖先从中国千里迢迢地下南洋,为的就是打造更好的将来。初次离乡背井,到了异地,聚集在一个自己衣食住行熟悉的环境, 也造就了每一个国家的唐人街。
