Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Be With Me (2)

Was thinking through some of the more memorable shows that I have been seen so far ( don't know why, but Se7en always comes up - I think it was still considered an indie film then, but check out the cast!) 

Then I remembered this.

I know I blogged about this before (OMG did I really run 7km straight after a hiatus? How did I manage it?! I hate my own 2007-irritating-self already).  But I think what I was thinking then and what I reminiscing now would probably be quite different.

I am still thinking about the solitude of the characters, belying the yearning underneath. But I am reminiscing the different takes of this phrase for each of the character - "Be with me, my beloved"

The old man yearning for his recently gone life partner, still going through his routine of caring for her, preparing her meals, as if she had never gone away.

The girl yearning for her lost forbidden love, looking at all the places where they had been together

The young man yearning for the love who is beyond his reach, and imagining the happy times they could have together.

And Theresa Chan, offering solace with so much love to spare, despite being cut off in all senses except for her sense of touch.

If a good show is one that leaves you going over the various parts and scenes, over and over again, extracting different sense and views each time, then I say Be With Me is really one of the best films I had ever seen so far.

Would love to watch the show again.

Saturday, October 20, 2012











Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The One Eye

In the multitude of blinking Blinds,
(brings to mind a certain idiom)
the One-eyed says
"Come, all subjects  in my kingdom!

Join me, join me
in this campaign,
for our greater good, and
will never be in vain.

Offer all your harvest
in return for the Gods' blessings,
for they would be pleased
to see the plentitude of our sacrificing."

As the king saunters off the dais,
one Blind whispered
through his gritted teeth
"What is left to eat on the morrow's eve?"

"Ah..what is a little starving
when you gets all the blessings!"
the next Blind replied
"But blessings are but wind, and n'er quite filling!"

The second Blind, outraged at the audacity
box the first across the mouth,
"He is king! He sees !
And you are just a blinking unseeing louse!"

And so balance is restored once again
without another whine
nor whimper of any type
In the land of the multitude Blinds.

Yes, I think i pushed it a little with the "louse". But oh well...anyway this was just something that pop into my mind while driving. Nothing to do with any living person/circumstances, whatsoever. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012


This combines two of my favourites - sleuth work and the crisp british accent.

But why only 3 episodes per season??

Saturday, October 6, 2012

oh great..

At this moment, I am sitting glassy eyed, half-dazed, on the floor (cos the couch didn't get delivered in time for me to dash out of the door for that particular work site meeting) (btw boconcept you suck) and resisting the urge to slide and splay onto the floor.

A person's life shouldn't be squandered on work that doesn't matter more than what it accounts for than the year-end work review.

And yet, the words that lingered and linchpin the whole situation:-


doing a good job

Just make the best out of it I guess.