Friday, March 25, 2011

张悬 - 关于我爱你

我得到的 都是侥幸阿
我失去的 都是人生


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have been playing hockey, going diving, hitting the beach so often now that I never thought I'll allow it to happen. Ya right, pride and folly go hand in hand..

I got damn bloody sunburnt from one day out at the beach.

Was at Bintan for a short getaway from work (some respite after the many nights and weekends burnt - no pun intended), and of course headed out for the beach with the e-reader. Found a nice shady spot under a tree, put on my sunglasses and cap and started reading. (No sunblock? Ya what did I say earlier about pride and folly..I thought since I should be smart enough not to put myself under direct sunlight I didnt need the sunblock).

After a while the shadow moved, and I was at the edge of the shade. At 3 quarter through the book, I was quite reluctant to move my butt. I thought, what the heck, it wouldn't be so bad and got lost in the pages again. Meanwhile, the shadow continued moving..and moving..and moving..

I think it must be like a few hours later that I realised that I had been baking in the afternoon sun for more than 2 hours. No thanks for the strong landward winds which dissipated any heat from the sun or the sunglass which reduced the glare (hey but it showed that they were real effective). Still the same, I didn't think too much into it until I saw myself in a mirror when I got back to the room. Gosh...I look like those sunburnt idiots.

Now my shoulders and thighs are a burning red. Painful to touch and awful to see. Ouch. Clothes option for the next few days will be a headache. Sigh..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cee-Lo Green "Forget you"

This song is contagious. I had been blasting this whenever it comes on the radio now.

Muppets!! :D And boy, can Gwyneth Parltrow sing..

The Japanese Earthquake Effect

The Media Gala

Of course there is the boo boo by Mediacorp VP Marketing department. But then don't for a sec think that other media parties are not jumping onto the bandwagon. If you flip through the Straits Times, look at how much space per page has been allocated to advertisement.

Although I am not sure if the advertisements do achieve their intended results - when one is reading about tragedies unfolding, one is probably not so inclined to want to jump at the opportunity to satisfy his/her own material desires. If any one can just read stories about how children were missing their parents or vice versa and still scan to the other half of the page and go, "Ahh...nice condo..". If this person eventually did buy the condo apartment, go figure how would he be like as a neighbour...
Epitome of Civility

Although much has been reported on the stoicism, one point that has been repeated oft was that there had been no looting in Japan. Although the truth of it is to be confirmed, what appeared in the newspapers and media were the orderly queues. If it had been anywhere else, not sure if the same civility and social orderliness will prevail. Respect.

Panic Wildfire

Yes a haywire nuke plant all ready to melt down is not for jokes. But for the masses who went on a salt buying spree, I wonder how much of it were fueled by the speed of sms-es, emails, watsapp.....It just shows that it will be harder to authorities to contain any ill-willed rumors other than to be the forerunner to stand up and be the first mover disseminating the official news.
Charity Drives

I wished I had read this first before I made my donation:- But I guess giving through the Singapore Red Cross shouldn't be too wrong. Just be wary of scams who are taking the opportunities for their own gains.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Girl from Ipanema

One of my favourite songs of all times.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I have been so busy at work that I literally felt like a tightly wound up spring that is ready to snap (B.O. - if you are reading this, yes, low flash point).

Had planned to camp in office for the weekend, if not for the fact that I had promised a friend much earlier (and bought tickets) to watch Emily of the Emerald Hill, and on the way there, while catching up, "how come you're so busy?" came up and I was inevitably whining (argh I hate to be like that). Impossible timeline, no concerted effort,bosses living in their own Fantasia time zone and expecting everything to magically be completed and presented to them at the snap of a finger.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how come we can't just say no." To which, my friend replied. "Perhaps it's the reminiscent of the uniform culture la...too ingrained in you already."

Makes sense. Nobody has every said no to the top honcho is my previous organisation before. In fact, I'm sure a lot of people will see it as a CSM (career suicide move) and see their CEP drop to the gutters if they every do. And the friend gave a very good example - if you are on the ground and the leader says "Move in now!", what would be the outcome if the team member turn around and look at him,"Eh..can we don't?". The whole command and control structure totally crumbles and makes everybody - including the leaders and even the team members - look like a fool.

But...I'm out of the uniform already!!! Even so, I still believe that there is still the supervisor/subordinate role which should be suitably fulfilled by both parties, albeit with a different approach than the command-and-obey rule. Got to learn to say "no" to unrealistic expectations though..

Life's a bitch sometimes...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cut? Grow?

I was about to finish up an earlier post on the movie i watched, when I chanced upon this super fun and hilarious clip..hahahaahah~

Seriously I had more fun with all the unconventional choices..esp the chicachica-wow-wow..hahahah~