Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 1 had past..and Day 2 just flew by

It had been super busy since I reach Seremban. Photos uploading soon!

Day 1

8.30am - coach set off from Textile Center

9.30am - &^$&*(&..stuck at Tuas Check point

10.30am - ok..option A - if I reach seremban at 12 plus to 1pm, maybe there is still time to check into our hotel first, then go for the manager's meeting which was at another hotel (that is another story by itself..). Option B, if I reach about 1 plus I'll have to go straight to manager's meeting.

1.00pm - saw the sign "Seremban 93km". Ok..Option C (and the only I guess), be profusely apologetic and hope that most of the other team managers probably left by the time I reach the manager's meeting after dashing there once I alight from the bus.

2.10pm - I can't believe it when the bus driver suddenly shouted "Seremban!" What?! Wasn't the coach supposed to go to a terminal or something? This is a super ulu road lor..hey..that's Madhavan! Hey Madhavan, you here to help the tournament? You going to the official hotel Resort??want to share a cab? When I told him that I was there as the manager, he mentioned, "No wonder I find you a bit familiar..." (oh better not be from incidents whereby I had scolded him on the pitch when he was umpring our games...)

2.50pm - after a ride with a dingy old cab with no meter/no aircon/no receipt, dashed into the meeting room and of course..was profusely apologetic.

The rest of the days was sent recceing the areas around the hotel and visiting supermart to buy food, since the team is going to arrive late and probably need some bites later that night. Had a chance encounter that reminded me that this place is not Singapore..and it's probably rare (and not that safe!) that a female walks alone on the road.

I think the 30 mins rest watching The Guardian on AXN was the last 30 mins that I had chance to rest. ..

Day 2

Match day!~ vs India @ 6pm.

We are in Group B, the same group as India, Korea and Chinese Taipei. Group A has China, Japan, Pakistan, Malaysia and Thailand. So...we are very luck not to be in Group A :p

Too many things happened..that it's prob too long to blog. But the main thing was that the game got postponed to tomorrow due to heavy downpour..but we were at the stadium for 4 hours from 3.45pm before we left at 7.45pm...
Now the team has to wake up at 6am to eat in time for the game at 9am. So going to hear team first hoorah "Majula!" tomorrow, in a different position on the bench ..hmm...come to think of it, feels quite weird.

Ok..more next time. Sleep! (I need it..)

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