Saturday, December 21, 2013


这次出游,怎么说,实在是,不多不少,最后一分钟做的决定。 前些日子,心情浮躁,做工时漫不经心,放工后慵慵懒懒,凡事提不起劲儿。


印度。 至从两年前,就想去看一看的地方,可是就一直找不到伙伴,不是嫌危险,就是嫌脏。也不是每去过; 2001到新德里 和2004到金奈 打比赛 (2001 还打断了手背)但是,也没去走走看看。总觉得,这国家对我来说,是多么的神秘和陌生。



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reading Steinbeck

Sweet Thursday - John Steinbeck

"I wonder if I could learn?"

"You can if you just remember a lot of things: first, you got to remember you're Suzy and you ain't nobody else but Suzy. Then you got to remember that Suzy is a good thing -  a real valuable thing - and there ain't nothing like it in the world. It don't do no harm just to say that to yourself. Then, when you got that, remember that there's one hell of a lot Suzy don't know. Only way she can find out is if she sees it, reads it, or ask it. Most people don't look at nothing but themselves, and that's a rat race......nobody don't give a particular damn about Suzy one way or the other. It's hard to get them thinking about you because they're too busy thinking about themselves. There's two, three, cooper-bottom ways to get their attention: Talk about them....Now when you got their attention, first thing they want is to do something for you. Let them. Don't get proud and say you don't need it or want it. That's a slap in the puss. Thing people like most in the world is to give you something and have you like it and it it. That ain't sloppy. That works."

Sounds about right.

And so, I am on the sequel to Cannery Row (I wished I had read the book before I went to the actual Cannery Row) - Sweet Thursday. And it all started when I first picked up The Pearl ("Hmm..standard literature text, plus it's skinny, so it shouldn't be that difficult to finish..."), and then Of Mice and Men, and then Grapes of Wrath, and then Travel with Charlie, Sea of Cortez, and East of Eden. And of course Cannery Row somewhere in the middle.

I like the way how Steinbeck describes his characters in his writings, that draws up an image immediately by describing his or her essences through their mannerism, the words that they say, even without giving any physical descriptions.  And the moral struggles his characters go through, that resonate with anybody as they read his works (What would I do if I am Kino?) Since I am not attempting an critique exercise, not going to draw up examples to justify my statements (that's too tiring!).   Right now, I am just waiting to see how Mack and Fauna's costume party will turn out..

Monday, November 18, 2013

Imagine Dragon - Radioactive

And of course, I bought the album off ITunes...


我十月中旬到兰屿去得。之前也没到台湾很多次, 也别说到少人问津的兰屿 (每当和别人说去兰屿,回的话都是 “兰屿在哪里??”)



最后一天双重惊喜 -



让我感触的,是到底岛上的達悟族原居民到底是怎么样, 前五十年走过来的。 五十年前,照片上的兰屿原住民还过着蛮传统的渔村生活。没水电供应,主要靠打鱼维生。外来势力开发岛屿,原住民逐渐变成贫穷的一群,得转向“旅游业”发展,卖些手工艺品。怎么也让我联想到澳洲土族的困惑。那,开发是让谁获益了啊.....当然,这是我略浅的贫见,也没真正的了解。


Monday, September 23, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013



和一群朋友到马拉帕斯加 (Malapascua)潜水找长尾鲨。  虽然连续了三天抹黑的四点起床五点出海,但收获满满,总共看足了十二次。

最难忘的还是最后一天,我们去探索岛上其他的景点,如无人的海滩,和岛上的灯塔。比起宿务(Cebu),马拉帕斯加 显得更贫穷些。沿途上,看到了离旅客区有一段距离的乡村,屋子是用草编的,村民出来打井水,犹如时光停留在好久好久以前。




路上,他还领了一个他认识的小女孩,和她低声细语地有说有笑。就这样,Abor (小男孩)和 Astrina (小女孩)和我们到了立在小山丘上的灯塔。




Tuesday, August 27, 2013







其实还不知道東野圭吾是谁 (惭愧,‘圭’字我都不知道怎么念),读过wiki 才知道 《侦探伽利略》是他的作品 (电视剧好看!),以后又多个华文书籍的选择。


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Before Midnight

They met on a train and parted way at sunrise, both so hopeful about the lives ahead of them.

They found each other another 10 years later, talking about how their lives have changed by, well, life, but looking through all these, to grab the second chance and decided to stick together before sunset.

And another 10 years later, found themselves knowing less, and feeling even less sure that they even know anything, than they did 20 years ago, arguing into late of the night and finally came to a compromise to see beyond the gritty stuff in lives (presumably) by midnight. 

The most memorable scene for me was when Jesse, Celine and their friends sat around the table talking about the difference between men and women, partners in life or the fallacy of it, and the essence of what it means to be together.

Before Midnight carries its own really well to talk about the uncertainty and fears that all of us have, that we may never be able to do the right things because we don't know better, but put it together with the previous two, one of the best trilogy movies ever about different hope, dreams, fears at different stages of our lives. 

(Hurray for Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy for sticking around so long in the industry so that this trilogy spanning over 20 years is possible!)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Angkor Wat

Why when it was one of the Unesco listed heritage site within a few hours from Singapore, that I waited so long to see it? 

Alas, I had a nagging feeling that it could be a little bit too late. Pub Street was a clear sign that the tourist influence had totally infiltrated, with the proliferation of restaurants that came with wifi, locals touting souvenirs speaking in mandarin asking you to buy their goods, and many roadside shops offering cheap foot and body massage. Overall, it feels like another Phuket. AlThough I can't say that I don't appreciate the convenience and the simple luxury of the possibilities of having foot massage everyday, it feels a bit sad to see another town converted to another way of life to. 

A few things never change though. 

Looking at the ruins which were originally glorious temples in their own rights, I wonder if the kings then would have known that what they had worked so hard to build, upon the blood and sweat of their people, would ever reduced to a half day highlight tour. (Angkor thom and Angkor Wat was flooded with tourists, despite it not being the tourist high season. Though not all, most Korean and Japanese tourists by the bus load, while the Caucasians usually come in pairs or groups of threes and fours, often with only their guide books in hand.) Khmer was a glorious and strong empire when the powerful kings were reigning, following the downturn where other empires rose and took over its prominence in history. Again, it's amazing how the priests (cum architects as explained by the guide) managed this architectural feat during those primitive times, not to mention the intricate carvings along all the reliefs. The ingenuity of human always amazes. 

One thousand years ago, different kings fought wars over resources and religions. One thousand years later, humans are still fighting wars over resources and religions. Just that the weapon of choices were no longer arrows and on elephants. 

Such are the nature of human that transcend time. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013







Thursday, August 1, 2013


So, I had this project at work that got totally derailed. The planning premise was larger than what was briefed and when the plan went to the honcho, the new direction it took left me dumbstruck. And for at least the past week, I looked at the big elephant and wonder which end of it should I start on. 

It took a little kick on the butt, but I eventually decided to take a bite and started chewing on it today. Took me the whole of today to think about what issues to address, and how to pan out the work based on what the team had amalgamated so far. But the ends still did not tie up and I was left with a blinding headache after another late night in the office. 

As I stood exhausted, hungry and drained in the shower, it suddenly occurred to me that I should have just dump whatever that had been done and start afresh. So much for the emotional attachments to the labored effort that had been gone in, but it was going nowhere with this piece of deadweight around. 

Right on. Time to re examine how's this playing out in my mind for other stuff too. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bruno Mars - When I was your man

I have been counting - 13 times. From the car radio, MeRadio, radio in room. If there is something that someone wants to tell me, I get it. And damn well grateful for this constant reminder. 

On Wednesday, a good friend left me with a good advice and an anecdote. One, choose to be with someone who is willing to invest his time and efforts on you. Two, she shared a time when she, a Christian, got good advice herself - work on yourself, and let God work on the other party.

Good advices that I intend to keep until the storm is over.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Grasping at Straws

Had a Viber call with Susan, my partner during the detox week. It has been almost a month since the detox week ended, when I came home while she continued her stay in Bali.

I forgot how much I missed her until we started talking. As fate as it, both of us were facing somewhat similar issues - both of us wanted answers. Gone were the days when we could live with more uncertainty (I wonder what has changed) and we were grabbing whatever catches our attention first. For her, her "journey" just started in the sense that she now have to spend time alone now thinking of the conversations that she had, while my challenge is trying to find the time to squeeze in more conversations without having to step on any land mines.

"Time will tell", Susan says.

The way to the answers seems so complicated that it doesn't seem so apparent, I am hoping that it may just appear itself without asking.

In the meantime, be still you quarreling heart.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


就学做一面静水吧 - 无影无形,却有随时待发的潜力成滔滔宏浪。








习惯性的问题,还得每天一点一点的挪出来个死角来。乌烟,源头一天还在,是非 还要的挑的来闷骚的呢。还是自保一点,下两天,就吃清淡点儿,看能不能让心情好转起来。

冥念一句曼托咯, 希望尘烟沉淀些。

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat - The Days After

This morning as I was walking to work, I genuinely felt tired, like I had not been on holiday for the lat 11 days. I guess, usually such a long break, I would expect to feel relaxed and chilled out. Instead, I felt  full, like a traveller who had walked a long distance, weary and hungry, but had seen and experienced many sights and sounds, and would remember in times to past. 

Physical wise, the next few days will see me easing into eating again, starting with slowly introducing food type one by one. Yesterday was fruits for the whole day. As of today, I only had vegetable (only one type at any one time), and each "meal" only consisted of about one-third of a bowl of vegetable and I would be full (like I had stuffed myself the buffets). I miss coffee though, and I can't wait to be able to start drinking again. Though after this retreat, I learnt that the body and the emotional state are so intertwined, it is time to start taking better care of this outer shell.

Emotional wise, I felt like a pool of water, with ripples and then waves caused by change in emotions - at least for today. I am not sure how aware I will be as time goes by, but I hope that once there is the awareness created, it would be easier to recognise or be aware of this change in tides and the triggers, or even the lack of awareness for the matter. 

Spiritual wise, I saw the reverence the Balinese had for their gods, seen or unseen. I wonder if this presence of belief and reverence offered had created a perfect environment for healing, harvesting this presence to release any negative energy - for healing, for guidance, for rejuvenation, for nourishment to people to chose to ask for it. Perhaps it is time to look more inward to the light within, and see how it could burns more brightly.

I do fear if I may get lost again in the multitude of distractions, but let's take one step at a time.

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 7 - Coming Full Circle

The last day saw us heading to Tirta Empul - a place still thronging with reverent locals, young and old, who carry their offering and incense, to be purified by the holy water. After that, it was back to The Yoga Barn to break the fast!

A platter of fruits came, which we were told to only pick one type of fruit, given that the stomach need to slowly ease into digesting. We gingerly took a few pieces of fruits each, and waited until everyone had picked up their share, and then we ate!! After 6 days of not eating, the sensations of food entering our mouth, chewing and swallowing were oddly foreign. All of us could only managed a few pieces, given that the stomach had shrunk.

The finale was the healing circle where all of us laid in a circle with our legs radiating out. It was the most emotionally intense session of anything I had in all my life, and it was beyond me to describe it as it was, other than the fact that there was no where that emotions could hide no matter how much you try to suppress it. By the time it was done, nobody could speak for at least a full minute.

With that, the retreat was completed, and we hugged our goodbyes. Susan and myself had pretty emotional farewell hugs as we wished each other all the best and promises to stay in touch to poke each other along in our respective journeys.

Finally when we were walking out, and reached my hotel first, Susan's parting words to me, "You are always so strong; don't be afraid, be weak once in a while". Something in my heart twitched at that moment, as it seemed like the message that was bubbling up the whole week all along.


When I saw TS at the airport, I hugged him like I have never hugged anybody before. Felt like a safe landing pad after a soaring journey, and it was time to get grounded again.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 6 - Almost at The End of The Journey (orThe Rope!)

After the natural high yesterday, it was almost like a crash today. Was cranky, tired, frustrated, anxious with every small thing (come to think of it, it is quite similar to times when I don't have enough sleep from working late) and we were told that the liver was emoting, where suppressed feelings come into play.

It came to a point that I was fretting over the smallest thing which I knew i had the solution for, and i could feel the physical reaction to the anxiety that was escalating for no necessary reason. Emotions become sensitive during detoxing process, and with the extra energy diverted from having to ingest and digest food, everything and issue becomes amplified. After that I told Frederique about the minor episode - she really had a way of pinning the crux of my issues when she asked me, "Do you always push yourself in your life?" Bingo. Her final advice - "Be gentle on yourself..."

In other words, was super emo today. Started to doubt why I was even here, why I couldn't do the chaturanga pose properly this morning, why I couldn't had dealt with situations better, hating the incense at the ARMA museum in the museum when I was there in the afternoon...And I wasn't the only one. Susan was ultra cranky, partly because she couldn't sleep and all the physically discomfort from the liver flush.

Liver flush is really no fun..and how one piece of organ dictates how you feel or think.

Looking forward to:-

Breaking fast tomorrow! For all the benefits I know I will get from the supplements, I am tired from having to swallow the pills and capsules everyday (which tells me that I should never fall majorly ill that I have to keep taking pills!) and have some real food for once (though still not hungry). There is the easing in process for the body to start eating and digesting again, will be at least 3 more days before I can start getting meat in my meals, and maybe a full week before I can start eating normally again.

Going back home! Though I wish I had one more day in Ubud to avoid the rush to the airport and having to dive right back to work on Monday. I wonder if my body will have any adverse reaction to work..

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 5 - Looking at What We Put Inside Us

Felt kind of spacey after the yoga today (and mantra meditation to open the throat chakra), but the massage during the 2 hour break perked me up and I was on a natural high for the rest of the day.

Today's liver flush day.. 2 servings of Epsom salt in water (oh how vile!) to get the gallstones to be flushed out. Followed by two documentary movies:-

Hungry For Change, that talks about how most of the problems in modern day society comes from what we eat. Personally, I think big american cities has become so dysfunctional in their eating habits, and the problem that Asian countries faced is that we are trying to emulate them. Look at the proliferation of food stuff such as cheese, cereals, snacks, sodas, health food at the supermarkets nowadays that are processed, preserved etc. Most times, we pick up food that we think are healthy, but more often than not, that's because we are "told" that they are healthy, but are they really? After watching the documentary, I'm not so sure any more.

May I Be Frank, about how one's life can be transformed with cleaning what is inside in body and mind, and the food you put in. We are what we eat, and at a certain level, that includes the thought that we generate. I wonder how much toxic thoughts actually comes from the food that we eat everyday.

Then the finale of the liver flush drink - OJ, garlic and virgin coconut oil. Basically the VCO to activate the gallbladder to deliver the bile (and hopefully any gallstones that are lodged inside the gallbladder), garlic to kill the nasty stuff inside the intestines. The OJ was just something nice to delivery the main activators in. Laid out for half an hour to wait for the necessary stuff to take place, and sent home with specific instructions to stay in bed and rest.

And gosh! Now I know why. Massive headache kicked in one hour later when I went out 5 mins to collect laundry from the laundromat (5,000rp for 3 pieces of clothings that were done within one day! That is like what... 70cents?). I barely made it back with the swooning headache, , nausea and general yuckiness came.

And so I am in bed by 8pm. Feels like going to be a long night.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 4 #2 - Imageries

The Yoga Barn is like a tucked away oasis. Like many of the ubud establishments, the unassuming entrance and reception opens up to a wider compound. in the case of Yoga Barn, the small downward trail led to an open space and airy verandah where 2 main yoga studios sit. Our open -aired studio where we meet everyday is further in, at the edge of the compound across the small padi fields from the main yoga studios.

Every morning, as I cut across the padi fields to get the studio, under the nice morning sun, it never fails to give me a sense of a peace and tranquility.


At one particular moment today, I looked up from my notes during the midst of the session and suddenly noticed that the tall grasses fringing the studio were.. Really distinct and sharp. Distinct as in the individually blade stood out from one another instead of being one clump of tall grass. Sharp in the sense like watching a 3d tv show.



Images of food did come to my mind many times outside the sessions - I had fish & chips, fried bee hoon (with super big serving of luncheon meat please!), chicken rice, sio bak, pasta that I had at Kafe on Sunday. But the thing is.. I wasn't feeling hungry (the cleansing and bulking shake took care of that). When the mind is calling up images when the body is not hungry, somehow puts the question what exactly craved the food - the body or the mind?

I took a really long walk around town this evening. Since it was dinner time, many people were having their meals from the street side cafes and restaurants. I wasn't hungry, I do miss the pleasure of tasting, savouring food, the texture the flavour, and other things that are pleasant Imageries related to food, like eating with friends, the comfort of food at the end of work day, good food to sooth away any work angst.

I think my relationship with the food that I eat has just went through a paradigm shift.

During yoga nidra today, we were guided thorough some imageries in meditation when suddenly the image of a lone wolf, standing on a cliff ledge looking down at me, flashed in for one second before my mind brought me back to the original guided imagery.

There is a book in class that list down symbolic meanings of animals that appear in your dreams or vision, and under lone wolf, it told me what I probably knew all along. How cool was that.

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 4 #1 - The Opportunity

As we were told, the state of physically being is very much tied to the emotional state of the mind. And that was the issue with me it appears. I'm hitting a wall with the result of the enema, and as luck had it, I was early, and had Frederique waiting with me outside while Anne was helping Susan in the gede (both Susan and me were always the first 2 to arrive somehow). While giving her the usual update about how i was feeling today, I told her about the session with Jana yesterday. Halfway through, Frederique said, "You know, part of the cleansing process is to let go of all the bad stuff. You can cry you know"

Tears just flowed as I continued to relate to her what Jana showed me. And that was when Frederique told me that she noticed during the yoga nidra yesterday that I seemed to have difficulty letting go to ease into the practice. To hold in like that, hence the result of the enema.

Pretty heavy stuff.

Frederique helped put things in a better context - "Look at it as an opportunity" - accepting the situation, and make it the start of a journey for the inner soul. And be more compassionate to myself, that it was not my fault or wish to carry this weight.

Today's yoga sequence to open the heart chakra - the chakra of unconditional love - was apt and timely then.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 3 - The Valley Down

Woke up feeling quite worn, after flitting in and out of sleep since 2am. Halfway through the morning session my stomach felt quesy and broke out into cold sweat for a bit. If not for Susan (my angel partner), I prob would have continued my suffering in silence. And that's when I was passed a glass of water with a drop of peppermint oil and that was all it needed to get me right on track.

The yoga nidri didn't go that we'll and I left slightly frustrated.

I had to change room due to some issues with my booking and I wasn't that happy with the new room.

I had a session with Jana and I got the answers i needed, but I left feeling a sense of deep grief and sadness i am not sure why.

All are work in progress and the only way is up.

I'm not particularly religious, but right now this sings out to me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 2 - Connect with the Inner Spirit

Today's session started with a light, but energetic yoga session - the buzz at the finger tips and the feeling of wellness and contentment - I have never felt so physically engaged for a very long time, not even during the weekly yoga class.

Lesson aside (we learnt about the ideal pH for the body) we went through the meditation with mantra and the yoga nidri with visualization. Some pretty weird/amazing stuff happened during meditation, I wasn't sure what it was, but I'm going to ask about it tomorrow.

I'm reading more too. For the past few nights, whenever I'm done with whatever I need to do, I would snuggle into bed and read, feeling nice and settled.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day cos i am going to visit a very intriguing person in the afternoon :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 1 - Listening to the Body

This is a morning of many firsts.

For a start the trivial stuff-

First time, aches in the shoulder and ankle.

Woke up with a stiff right shoulder. Weird*, cos that was the first time that it happened no matter how lousy the bed was. And this went away after I reach Yoga Barn.

At the start of the session the right ankle starts to hurt. Weird*, cos I never had any ankle issue, and it went away on its own just after about 10 mins into the session.

First time I had to drink so much water in one sitting.

As the session went on, we downed mugs and mugs of water - the mallic acid, the bulking and cleansing shake, the coconut juice, the herbal tea..together with the supplements that came with our "goodie bag". Which led to many trips to the loo :/

First time I had a mala

That came with the goodie bag (see above), which was such a beauty ;)

First time a question to the crux

During the chakra session, I was asked a deeply affecting question which I was left dumbstruck and slightly in tears..

And the highlight....

First time I had an enema!! (Akin to an ass-f*** according to a travel mate during the first part of the Bali trip.) and I was so nervous about it that I spilled water everywhere as I was preparing for it . But it was amazing simple to do though I think that I was so paranoid that I will cook the inside of my intestine that I did not put enough hot water and had stomach cramps for a bit..I any case I am not sure if its placebo effect but part of the stomach felt emptied out enough; guess that's cos no solid food had been there for the last 24 hours and I must say it felt pretty light and good.

My angel partner** said that she's going to pass me garlic to try the garlic enema..just gotta try it!

And there goes the end of day 1..

* according to the book on what the body tries to tell both were signals of refusal to change. How about that.
** it sounds damn cliche but the angel partner is there to give you support throughout the week. My angel happens to be this super cool looking lady from Switzerland :)

My Rejuvenation Week

When I first signed up for the Cleansing Detox Retreat at The Yoga Barn, it was purely out of impulse and gut feel.

The last 6 months have been horridly tiring to say the least, with the conference to help run, followed by jumping into the deep end of the pool for the Licence renewal project. Not to mention the emotional gunk that came along with work - the ego clashes, the doubts and question that came up everyday "what am I doing?". I know I would rather be somewhere else but the (I call it) sense of accountability kicked in, knowing that I have to, and I will deliver the results at the end of the day. And delivered I did. To some acclaim and pats on the shoulder. But I was left emotionally and physically drained like a piece of rag, tattered and limp.

Not to mention, looking back at the roller coaster ride experience in the last 10 years, I know people say never to carry baggages. But much as I wanted to, I am not sure how not to remember. "Just move on" some will say. I would like very much to say that I had but even then I am not sure.

Back to the retreat.

I love Bali and this is a place that i really don't mind coming again and again.The trip to Bali that was planned initially only covered the weekend to eat and play in Bali. I wasn't
really sure if I wanted to do that - I know I would rather read and rest, but I needed to get away anyway. So I planned to take leave the week after and then see what I wanted to do. That was when I saw the emailer for the cleansing detox retreat. The dates were a perfect match, the price was much cheaper than the rest that I saw (even though my friends still gagged at the price), and so I did it. Somehow I think I know I needed it.

The last 4 days have been fun, with good food, enough red wine to go around, and interesting places checked out (I love seminyak and potato head and Nuri's!!). But inside, I was really waiting for the moment to sit still, read and be quiet for a minute. Not only this, I just started something like a relationship over the weekend (gosh it's a long story, I'm keeping my fingers crossed at every turn) and the last few days the heart or head had been wringing itself with worry. By Sunday, I was so looking forward for some internal housekeeping and perhaps tune in a little better to what I want.

So sent the friends off to the airport, said a little prayer and one hour later, i checked in to the place where i am going to stay for the next 7 days. walked around a little, found a nice organic place called Kafe and read the ebook Anne (the facilitator) sent, page to page, at Kafe, eating my last proper meal, before I start to fast for the next 7 days

And I hope to find that light at the end of that tunnel, by the end of this short 7 days journey :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


In the middle of work today, the realisation of 2 events suddenly left me dumbstuck.

That either directly or indirectly that I gotten what I had wished for or wanted, consciously or subconsciously.


For  a undoubtedly good news at work that wasn't expected.  It would have been something which I could be looking forward, though it came at a time when I (hope) am just at the cusp of discovering,  that it doesn't really matter in the larger thing called life (which may probably the same reason why I wasn't really looking out for it. I think I have other bigger issues to settle). For all that it is good thing, I think, it is just a flag to mark a journey, but the journey itself need some re-engineering, and definitely some perk-me-ups.

In any case, I am grateful, and I hope that the journey gets nicer sceneries and fellow travelers along the way.

For something which I thought would never happen, happened. And I was still lost for words even now. Especially when it also suddenly struck me, the meaning behind the words that were said in those few second.

The cursed old bad habit of driving the caution quotient into overdrive mode kicked in. I am such a wuse. And I think too much.

In any case, I am grateful that it has came to this, just have to turn down the self-defence mechanism some notches down.

Crossing my fingers that my luck holds.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heart song

If there is a song in my heart,
What would it be?

Month of May

Come, come the month of May
A month of rest, 
a month of play.
A new journey to recover 
the faith, hope and the joy 
that life has to offer. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Legend of Ashitaka_Princess Mononoke OST

Came home and put on one of Joe Hishaishi's OST on random - from Princess Mononoke by Hayao Miyazaki. Made me want to search for that box set to re-watch all the Studio Ghibli animation again (that is if all the CDs are still readable! If they are not.........gosh I just can't imagine it).

And when I was looking at the wiki page...There is a new film coming up! I also wonder if there will be ever a Studio Ghibli fest ever in Singapore..I will so go to every screenings I think.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chasing Dreams

I heard Geri's song on Class 95 today, immediately posted onto Facebook and tagged her. But knowing her, it may be Christmas before she may finally see the tag.

The question about what would you want to do, if money is not an issue, I would always think about Geri. Ever since I had been playing as a junior under her, we would always know that Geri liked to sing and write songs. I still remember some of the other older seniors were skeptical  about the sustainability of being an artiste in Singapore. But that doesn't stop her from having one Number 1 hit . And funding her own album. All the time while she is officially still a personal trainer by profession. We missed her sometimes when she couldn't come down for games, the older seniors teased her for caring about her clients more than her team mates..and life went on.

We just celebrated Geri's birthday recently, and she announced that she is likely going to sign on as a song writer.

That's really coming a long way, and never a time did she think that she would let go of her dreams, to do something that she had always wanted to do since young (well, maybe she could have deal with her issues and get down to it last time, but that is another story - nothing is ever too late).

I wonder how many people get to live out their dreams in their lifetime.

I wonder how many people even know what their dreams are, clouded by the realism and demand for practicality that is life, and eventually forgotten.




I had a "blue moon" type of a lazy day today, which saw me let off early today to roam Orchard Road for a bit before dinner. And just in time to catch this movie in the late afternoon.

When I first heard about this show, the controversies surrounding the ban seem pretty serious - 20 out of 24 advisory panels who felt the comments were distasteful and demeaning must have been quite substantial and justifiable to call for it not to be shown, no?

Until I watched the movie, which regretfully, the controversial bits in the second story "Porn Masala" were voided out with just Adrian Pang yammering in silence, which i then compared with the clip on the youtube preview.

I wonder what was going through the production team's mind when they decide to push the boundary, but I have heard worse. We have a common joke when still in the blue, that certain offenses are predominantly "prerogatives" of particular races - the gamblers, the drug addicts, the wife beaters/drunkards. More often than not, it is backed up by historical and current data; we would be blind or super naive to think otherwise.

Of course, racial sensitivities have always been an issue in Singapore. Friendly jibes aside, again, we would be super naive to think that we can be hanky-dory if we start throwing racial slurs about, which may finally bordering on personal insult, someone takes offense, and it just takes an innocent spark for a normal jibe traded escalate to events that may lead to greater racial divide driven by distrust. It goes back to the primordial instinct of having to preserve one self,  and following thus, one's self worth and all the things one identifies him or herself with. Just remember the outcries when the Chinese student called Singaporeans "dogs" (when I was wondering what the boy could have encountered to spit that comment, I can only so imagine all the mainland ah-tiong jokes and insults that could have been thrown his way).

And perhaps that was the reason why the 20 panel members were playing the safe cards, that the slurs in "Porn Masala" could indeed offend fellow Indians if taken too seriously, and thus need not be shown  here to incite any displeasure to start with. Not that the accolades of the film helped - although there could be indian communities in those countries, I wonder if these were indie film selection with a limited audience, hence the potential lash-back was kept to a minimal. And even if there were Indians who had watched the film, could those be discerning viewers who understood that certain artistic discretion had to given to deliver the idea across?

Coming back to the movie. Do I think that the part was necessary? Yes. The punch was gone when the racist parts were removed.  Would I have been offended if the insulted race was Chinese? I could be instinctively, if I had not understood that the insult had to be uttered in the movie for a purpose.

So rather than saying that Singaporeans are not mature for the show, let's not be too damning; but rather, that the movie needs mature audience to discern artistic license to convey the satire, and not for any ordinary man-on-the-street, easily offended or the faint hearted. Will there ever be a time when such racial slurs in a movie like Sex.Violence.Family Values will never raise any eyebrows? How about never, until we have to share the spaces with another organism such that we see fellow human as closer brothers and brothers, than let's say, aliens. But well, that could be my pessimism at its best.

Anyhow, I think the controversies very much mar the essence of the whole movie, which airs  the "dirty little ditties" of squeaky clean Singapore. Witty, funny, never a dull moment. We need to loosen up a little!

Friday, March 15, 2013


Something has been simmering all day...and I can't put a finger to it.

And that makes me really edgy.

Until I found this.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.


I have a bad habit of thinking about shows that I have just watched, well past the next 24 hours post-show, regurgitating and savour the bits and pieces of the show again and again(a gross metaphor..but work has taken a toll on the brain. Try re-formating reports and powerpoints for 2 weeks in a row). 

The spirit portrayed by Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln moved me to no bounds - the stoic-ness, bearing the weight of the war and family. His beliefs, that moved mountains and made history.

The skeptic in me wonder whether if he had started the civil war due to his conviction  to restore natural justice of the world (that slavery was wrong) or tool for power play (over the Southern conferederete states). Even so, a man being the sum of his experiences, I also wonder what had made the man that he was - what had he seen or felt, to culminate to his humanitarian principles and beliefs that slavery has no place in the world that he was living in (one that the word "humanitarian" probably didn't even exist)?

I guess that calls for another movie.


 It took another almost 100 years before what Lincoln set out to do see some fruition. And as proclaimed in the movie, the impossibles became a reality - inter-racial marriages, WOMEN GETTING TO VOTE (which led me to a point about a book i read recently - apparently in some parts of the world, they must think women imbecile, cos where in place of having a man as the witness, you will need two women as witnesses, before the testimonies could be accepted).

When it had probably appeared almost unimaginable, became a natural fact of life. Which led me to wonder what else could have appeared unimaginable now, may became a common way of life, if given time. Gay marriage is one definitely (I totally don't see any wrong in that)...hmm..what else..?


My (very limited) knowledge of the civil wars between the Confederates and the Union came not from any history books, but from the trials and tribulations of Scarlett O'Hara. I didn't choose to do History in school, probably due to the fact that I was half dozing off during the history lessons during the lower secondary classes on hot, humid afternoons.

I remembered Mrs Kit, the history teacher called my name out of the blue once before I took the last step into dreamland. I stood up dazed, and my partner seated beside me had to discreetly point out the paragraph, which I read out without ever knowing what exactly was the question. Mrs Nair (i think that was her name), the Geography teacher was more gregarious. I also remember (and forever be amazed) that she would write out all the Geography notes every lesson on the blackboard from memory. Which meant that i couldn't be falling asleep while writing at the same time as I form mental image of disintegration of rocks due to alternating state of water lodged in crevices.

Obviously I chose to do Geography.  

A friend pointed out that history is still important, to learn how things came to be so, and keeps lessons of mistakes made. I don't doubt that, I just wonder how much people keep in mind of catastrophic events in the history to prevent stepping off the cliffs ahead of them, blinded or distracted by the scenery along the way. It seems like we never believe that we may make the same mistakes, and forge ahead with foolhardy optimism; anyway, I can only imagine that a person who always worry that we may re-commit the same mistakes and foretell our doom as the ultimate pessimist, which is equally not a good thing either.

And even so, I wonder how much can history tell us about events which had never happened before, like global warming (yes, despite naysayers claiming that it's all a farce, I believe in global warming). I don't think anything can teach us how to deal with things like that, and we ourselves may become text book examples for our future generations ("If only our ancestors had known to stop destroying Earth, we would not be staying underground/in the sea/on Mars now").   

Friday, March 1, 2013

陈绮贞 太聪明

三年了....那时的心情写照, 还清晰的很。

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



奇怪的是,也不明白,明知会做到这么累,当初坑都没坑一声就接下工作。但一心只想到这个是部门得完成的一宗档案。能力行的话,咬紧牙根,一起挨过去。可,中途发现不是每个人都一样的想法, 自己反而觉得像一个白痴。





Friday, February 1, 2013

Fairy Tales

I had a conversation once about why fairy tales, still in their most original gory versions, are read to children as bedtime stories. Wouldn't it give them too much sense of violence to young forming minds?

The answer I got, or at least what I remember of it - they give the child, a sense of what was right or wrong about the world at its starkest, the sense of safety at its eventuality, when the threat was eventually removed or if the character reach their fated end, when justice was achieved, when a lesson is learnt after the protagonist completes his or her journey. And that helps the young child to learn about the principles of his world in his formative years.


Perhaps we should ban the Disney adaptations - too much glossing over the unsavoury details in today's society, that we forget that life is at its truest, is like the fairy tale of yore, violent, unforgiving, and not bright colours and cutesy as what we expect to be.