Monday, August 29, 2011

张学友 1/2 世纪演唱会

本应该回家倒头就睡,哪知道咖啡因作祟,两眼直瞪着。@.@。活该,为什么贪那杯mocha frapp.

刚看完歌神张学友的演唱会。以前也没特别想看张学友的演唱会。虽不是他的粉丝,有时候在广播电台或 k歌的时候朋友点唱他的歌,都听过他好多首经典歌曲。可是,我没想过去以只欣赏歌曲的方式去听一场演唱会。就好比我去五月天的演唱会 - 与其说我买坐位票,不如说我买了那坐位的“站票”,全场是没坐下来的和摇滚天团一起high到完,才觉得划算。


演唱会刚开始的一个小时,我还在猜想三个钟头的演唱会,会不会坐在椅子上闷的发慌。后来,歌神现场演唱的功力 (或魔力?)生效了,首首荡气回肠, 充满画面感。




Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Feeling a little bit...


Had another long day in the office, and fortunately, there was another poor soul stuck in the office as well (or unfortunately for both of us staying way past the official working hours, depending on how you look at it).

So when I finally called it a day, the poor soul decided that she didn't want to left all alone in the office and we decided to go grab some dinner together. We ended up at one of my usual haunts around Pasir Panjang Village. Too bad both of us drove, otherwise we might have ordered some alcoholic brew to kill away some of the office blues, with it being such a nice breezy night and stuff.

Which we attributed (the office blues, not the breezy night) to some of the urgh stuff we encountered for this looonnng week (I know, it's only Tuesday, but both of us felt that it had been a realllyyyy looooonnnng week despite that).

Which I then defined as inspiration-killers. Sometimes, you can wish for that someone who can inspire you in your job, though these are hard to come by, and few by far. But when none is in the horizon, at least let's not try to dampen the fire of wanting to do a good job.

Even as the fellow lost soul shared her grouses, the motto that Col Bruce Niven drilled into us during leadership training kept popping up in my mind- "Leaders make things happen". I could use a bit of that fire whenever I hear that line then. Got to revisit the motto and find that spark again.

P/S - Just this month itself, I had the same question asked to me 5 times. I wonder why.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Super early waker

Fact is, I have been clocking less than 6 hours of sleep for the past 2 weeks. Not for any exigencies like work or etc, but my eyes just automatically open once I hit about 5hours of sleep, and can't return back to slumberland. Sleeping earlier doesn't help, just makes me wake up earlier and watching the sky turn bright outside my window..and last night was the max. Woke up 4 hours into the sleep and decided that there is nothing more miserable than insomnia.

According to the sleep graph from
Sleep Cycle app (Hail Itunes store for all the wonderful life enabling apps!)
that I have been using for a while..

And this is how a normal sleep cycle should look like.

That was my sleep graph for last night. Damn..right after 4 hrs. I think the trough was when I became super sian and started staring at the window waiting for see if the sky was going to turn bright soon.

If going by Wikipedia:-

Nocturnal awakenings are characterized by difficulty returning to sleep after awakening in the middle of the night or waking too early in the morning: middle-of-the-night insomnia and terminal insomnia. The former may be a symptom of pain disorders or illness; the latter is often a characteristic of clinical depression.

Though I don't exactly think that I am in that state* now..I just wish for any hormonal charges that are causing all these weird body functions to start going back to the normal state soon, before I really start to get clinically depressed.

*but maybe the labels** are driving me a lil bit nuts :p

**you know who you are. haha~

I Hate It

I hate it when I walk beside you, the constant struggle when my hand yearns to reach out to yours.

I hate it when I look at the profile of your face, and the uneasy feeling of my heart skipping a beat.

I hate it when you reach out to touch my hair, I long to keep your hand there forever.

I hate it when you show little tender gestures, and I feel that little greedy glee.

I hate it when I have the selfish thought to keep you up , even when we have long days to keep the next day.

I hate it when at I am expecting a catch to the situation, but there is none that I can see whatsoever.

I hate it when when I am alone I wonder if what just happened was only a figment of my imagination.

I hate it when I catch myself thinking of you as a possibility when I plan for things ahead.

I hate it..

When you came into my world and turn everything tipsy turvy, and I know I am bowled over, falling uncontrollably, and hoping that this time, perhaps I do not have to climb out of the black hole once again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Secret Garden

The garden door that stood
Keeping the untended garden
Safe from the grieving of the world
Waiting for the moment
When the right key is found
To taste the freedom in the air
And bloom to its former glory once again

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Zee Avi - Honey Bee

After the meet up session with an old friend with his plus one, decided that I needed something slower after the million questions and what-ifs that hit my mind during that one plus hour session.

Ah well, all the best to them.

The Lost Self



“先慢慢静下来,才能听到自己的心,真的想要的 是什么。”


The ever independent Jz told me once, she wouldn't grow to be as such if she didn't need to. And she's not the only one.

At every stage of one's life, with every lesson learnt, what doesn't kills you, makes you stronger.

Some people grow wiser, some people grow more independent, some people grow warier. Losing of the innocence of youth as we put it, and learnt that the world is not as kind as how we see it when we were younger.

And growing that outer layers of protection all in the name of self preservation, cocooning from all the possible harms from the outside world - feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, resisting any attempts to remove the layer since it will only cause the unbalance of the otherwise status quo mini-universe, setting off all possible alarm bells in the process.

Until one day, you realise that you have been encumbered with all the weight and burden of the ever-growing armour all these times, and already forgetting how that person, who had lived and loved with such carefree enjoyment many years ago, looked like.

Introspectively, if its ever possible to go back in time to undo all those layers and be like that person again.... only time will tell.

Sheesh, this post is so depressing. I need to go out and do something fun soon.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taylor Swift - Fearless

Two things about Taylor Swift (according to me)
  • Taylor Swift fans belong to a certain age group. Somewhere below any age to know that there are real heartaches in life other than crushes to babies who know how to bob to rhythm.
  • Why are Taylor Swift songs under the genre of "Country"?
But on rare occasions that her songs get an airing on my Ipod (if I can stand and get past the saccharine teen angsty love songs), some of her songs are real catchy.

Here goes one.

Monday, August 1, 2011






