Monday, November 29, 2010

Some restorative time

When the world is making a little lot less sense, a little of respite is in order.

Time to take things slower, time to stand or sit still for a bit, time to gaze out at the ever changing clouds, time to listen to the singing cicadas.

Time to

Breathe the air a bit more, leave the tv and phones behind more, sitting around the table, and chat a bit more.

Leaves me feeling wanting for more. Hopefully soon.

Monday, November 22, 2010

You naughty bear...

Right. That's pretty much how I look like right now.

Nah. That's Naughty Bear. NB for short. Pretty violent Iphone game though the name was a misnomer. Well, not so much as naughty as in kidish-naughty-spanking type..but naughty-homocidal-pycopathic naughty.

Not exactly something you would want to let your kids get their hands on..

But oh so good when you imagine that 小人 who has been giving you rubbish for the past week days. "Total Defluffication!" Yay! Heh..heh..heh...*evil laughter*

I think I want a Naughty Bear in my car. To threaten the rest of the nasty drivers on the road with.

Thursday, November 18, 2010





是因为 对文字接触的少了吗?思考能力吗? 怎么有退化的感觉。

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

3 whammies

Another bingeful week, post a week of slacking off. Indolence is a slippery slope. Seriously, I should sign up for more runs in order to force myself to go running.


Whammy 1

I only managed to finish 2/3 of my usual 5km route by 30 mins. Gosh. Worst timing ever. ROARS!

Whammy 2

As I was on the first half of the route, I thought my pace was comfortably fast..when suddenly a 20-ish girl, wearing running cap and singlet, totted past and overtook me.

Trotting. That could be a word to describe how I would have ran 1 year ago. Now, it would be something like slow rumbling. And being overtaken can really be such a downer.

Within the next 30 seconds, she had increased the distance between us and soon, I lost sight of her, while I can feel some lactic acid creeping into my calves. Well done, calves.

Whammy 3

At the end of the run of the miserable 3 odd km..I turned off the running route..panting and feeling the twitch in the left butt coming on..when I saw..

the same trottling girl at the void deck. Doing leg lifts.

Leg lifts!! The kind that we were forced to do 3-5 sets of at the end of hockey trainings, but finished no doubt. The kind that gives you sculpted abs. The last I tried to do something like that during yoga class I was ashamed that the auntie next to me can hold her legs at 45degrees without shivering and I suspected with a snigger at me when my two legs were shivering like leaves in the wind.


Dammit. I decided to skip the lift and walked up the stairs, hoping the 6 flights would helped to burn some more of those unwanted fats and deluding myself that my abs was doing somewhat of a work out as well as I climbed each step.

No more slacking! ROARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

陈绮贞 夏日练习曲 演唱会

很惭愧的,第一次认识陈绮贞是她和阿信合唱 “私奔到月球” 。 那时我还以为那个新人搭上阿信来鼓吹她的名声。 太有眼不识泰山了!人家1998年就和滚石出唱片了好吗....

过后,从友人借了她的精选集,原来,以前曾听过她好多首歌,只是那时不喜欢她那种细声细语的唱腔,比如“让我想一想”,“还是会寂寞”。“私奔到月球” 后,当然”太阳” 和 “鱼” 真的让我注意到陈绮贞。


昨天,和一群友人去听了陈绮贞演唱会。 听完演唱会,有被感动到。怎么会有一个人的歌声那么清纯好听...

第一段,被壮观的舞台效果 (陈绮贞站在半透明的帘幕后,双手摊开 帘幕上她变成一个具有一对巨大的翅膀,明亮的天使), 和一幕一幕美轮美奂的背景,让每一首歌充满了戏剧性,好像看了一出有一出的MV。



可是,好不习惯。不到十点半就要encore了? 当然,陈绮贞encore 环节三次都不负众望。她的声音,背上一把吉他,双手一触琴弦,委婉的歌声就像一股清流,抚慰着每个人的心。


听陈绮贞的演唱会,难怪需要一个平静即狂野的心 -平静聆听每一首个歌后面叙述的故事,但也能狂野地被波动起来。

Friday, November 12, 2010

最近,发现自己越来越懒 - 懒得跟人讲话,懒得出门。

懒的跟人讲话,好像因为成了习惯。 每天来来回回的在emails里做拉锯战。况且现在办公室里还加了年instant messaging,有什么问题状况,只需要开一个对话窗口,连一通电话都省了。因为每个人项物不同,有时跟坐旁边的同事也没多讲两句。

懒得出门,觉得家里最舒服,不用打扮,不用注重仪表。t-恤短裤,再怎么邋遢,谁管的着 。

回到家,也不想讲话。msn 也不想。




陈绮贞- Self

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Looooonnnnggg weekend

Due to some unplanned reason, I had to take Thursday off..forgetting that Friday was a public holiday.

Oh well, all the better :D Thursday was spent with my chore of pre-CNY springcleaning, then dinner with ex-coursemates. Friday afternoon was then spent with some ex-colleagues.

The body clock was ticking.. on Friday night, a sinking feeling started to form only to give way to elation - oh darn..tomorrow is Monday..hey no..tomorrow is Saturday. I have got two more rest days! Woot!~

Hence Saturday morning was bliss :)

The sinful feeing of not doing ANYTHING was sinking in, and in the end I pushed myself to go running, albeit a short one since I really can't recall when was the last time I ran. (I wanted to kill myself at the 20th minute. could I allow myself to slack so much?)

The real deal of Monday blues is happening soon..I envy those lucky some people who to love their job, which make Monday blues kinda non-existent.

Oh well...Lemme try a bit harder :s But the song tells it all.

If only they have an official MV for this.