Friday, September 14, 2012

曲婉婷 我的歌声里


第一次听到曲婉婷是 “Life is Like a Song", 之后看春娇与志明时,听到 "Drenched"。感性的声音,好听!

This aside...

以前想要买一张专辑,要get my lazy ass 到唱片行 (懒惰有时也真能省钱),到了唱片行还会想大半个小时 (“真的要买吗?买了不听会不会又堆积在墙角?”),兜了那间点两三圈,才舍得拿一张CD去付钱 。



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ingrid Michaelson Concert!

So glad that I eventually managed to catch Ingrid Michaelson live.

Although one thing that I didn't expect was the average age of audience in the seat category I was in - Since both me and the friend that I managed to grab the concert with were kinda keen but not that familiar with Ingrid Michaelson, we decided to go for the cheapest category seats.

And found ourselves amidst like super indie juveniles (who, as my friend commented, would deck out in red stockings) who flash out their smart phone at every juncture to take pics/videos. Gosh, I whispered to my friend, and here we were, 2 working adults who had hammed and hewed before forking out that 100 bucks each. And how did Ingrid Michaelson end up being appealing to kiddos?

That aside, Ingrid Michaelson was every bit the kooky artiste that she is. Full of personality and anecdotal sharings of songs that she wrote.  And her voice, clear and soaring, was really a balm to sooth a weary Monday.

Too bad that the event had to start only at 9pm, and ended at 11pm. The two working adults had to go home to sleep in order to be able to survive the next working day in the dreary world again. Not like the kids who probably managed to catch Ingrid Michaelson for autographs. But I didn't know that they were selling her album at the concert! If I had known I would have definitely squashed in with the kids and grab a copy of the CD.

Now I will just have to contend with downloading from iTunes (and my first ever purchase and download from iTunes stores at that!)

Two songs I liked from the concert: The Chain and The Light in Me. Can't find nice vid for the Chain, so here's the other one.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do and do not


and do not think about the whys afterwards

It's past and you can't "think"it away

Do not,

and be at one with the choice.

You have chose that by logic or some little random switch wired in your brain, and it happens for a reason.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Slava's Snow Show

Was intrigued by the review on Slava's Snow Show and managed to grab a friend to catch it during its short run here. 

What a visual theatrical feast! Each scene was so dream-like, and the colours and music! Was a bit let down by the antics though, cos both me and the friend couldn't really get the plot, but obviously that didn't stop the kids in the theatre from laughing out loud. I wonder if that's cos we are already pass the age of innocence to grasp the joy of laughing at the simplest things.

The last part saw the adults having equally, if not more fun than the kids, when the giant balls rolled out from the stage. I saw one man in his 50s literally ran from the side of the theatre to the centre twice just to have a push at the giant balls, and boy, did he look happy! 

(best possible pics I could have tried taking using my 3GS. I tried to take a vid but it wasn't captured properly! Darn!)

Nonetheless, there was indeed something magical at that moment. Talk about just having a few giant balls bouncing around the theatre, everybody, kids and adult alike, was thrilled, laughing and grinning, and truly enjoying themselves. Perhaps there was a time when to us, the rubber balls that we played with were that big in our universe then, and we were brought back to that time momentarily when we know nothing yet but joy.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Ingrid Michaelson - Turn to Stone

Feels surprisingly grounded today, and gave a little thanks for this oasis from nowhere. 
