Sunday, February 28, 2010


当剪刀挥下的那一刹那, 我心里想着,怎么那么眼熟。 眼见镜子的我,仿佛就象四年前的样子。

四年了。 四年前开始留头发, 不为什么, 就想留嘛。

留着留着, 去年开始有想剪短的念头。 也不为什么。就想剪嘛。

但一点都不果断,忧忧虑虑, 犹豫不决。直到上周,也不知道吃了什么药,大早晨起来, 想剪头发,上网找了家日式的理发廊,下午二话不说,没预约得找上门。刚好有空挡,排了时间,一小时后,我就在镜子里看见四年前的自己。

镜子里外对眼,没有遗憾的感觉,也没特别兴奋。头发嘛,还会长。 人生吗,也不就这样。

四年。风风雨雨,兜了一大圈。 我又短发了。

Diving Season start liao!

Was still sleepy eyed when turning into Chin Swee Road. first pool session assisting after season closed last year.

Drove up the slope Outram Secondary School carpark...and the carpark is full??! and there are cars parked on the slope as well! And the pool is full! at 9.20am, there are people already doing stuff at the deep end, most are doing their swim test and there seems not to be single inch of the pool not occupied by somebody

In YP's (the instructor who took today's session) words, it's like carnival going on man! Diving season has really started - Need to blow some bubbles underwater!

Monday, February 22, 2010



I should have taken a pix straight after coming out from the salon , with hair set in place and the freshly cut sharpness. I wonder if I will survive the first wash and blow dry :s

(note after the first day with own blow dry - short hair is a tough job. I am doomed! :s)


星期六好像赶场似的。 先是大清早赶到办公室准备大老板的会议。 老板们的会一开,我忙里偷闲得去一个泳。过后随便吃一顿早点, 一面忙自己的文件,另一边张望着看大老板有什么事差遣。到了下午,才发现到其实我竟然不需要呆那么久(小老板为何前几天没讲清楚??)

然后冲去以为要做工而推辞的饭局做结尾, 吃好多好多的.......剩菜, 但吃得不亦乐乎。 哈~

之后到了另一位友人家和队友聚一聚。 刚好全职私人教练的友人看到我一拐一拐的, 问出我初二拉伤, 让我躺下,背部压在一根两边凸起象小网球的东西,把脊椎两边肌肉的trigger points压开。 肌肉越紧,压得越痛。 即使医师已经帮我拉松了,还是压得我上气不接下气,眉头紧皱着。 可做完后,全身舒畅。 友人说,肌肉会酸痛一,两天。是哦,还在酸痛着呐。

然后送友人们回家。本以为送完就回家可以大睡一番,但半途中被唆服绕道陪吃 - 吃印尼没能吃到的麦当劳薯条 =.=" 聊了好久! 聊着聊着,讲到 “宁缺勿滥” (好长气才进入正体呵~! :p)

友人说,到了我们这种年龄还单身的女性,很容易为了biological clock而屈身下嫁。“屈身”也不是贬低对方的身份,学历什么的,而是因为年龄不轻,带着“该时候了” 的态度, 草草了事,随便对一个根本自己不喜欢,还是不适合的对象许终身。但后果有时是进退两难 - 留在一起,身心疲惫; 离又费时费力。

所以呢, 友人说,要秉持着“宁缺勿滥”的警惕,不适合的,要舍得放手。单身还是比拖泥带水的感情世界要轻松多了。


当然,有适合的, 要把握!(可...也..要...有...适合..的...嘛......)

Saturday, February 20, 2010


今天又学会一句新词汇 宁缺勿烂。

怎么用上的? 我改天再谈。 今天是 早起床起得昏,吃饺子吃得撑,压背部压得疼。


Friday, February 19, 2010

Freaking irritating!!!

My weekend plan had to be shelved just cos of a freaking irritating idiot who thinks that only he's entitled to have a life on weekends, and on such short notice. Now I understand why he hadn't wanted to alternate the duties on weekdays. I should have seen it coming. Damn.

It would have been more bearable if it had been a deliberate or planned arrangement, but so far it felt that it had been based on whims and fancies. It's exacerbated with the occasional caustic and baseless remarks peppering the emails for some of the other work issues, which culmulatively, it totally puzzles the team and make us weary.


Just done with the first wave, the second wave is pressing on relentlessly, and it's going to be long hours and weekends burnt for the next few months. A good leader would have been such an enabling factor. Too bad it is sorely lacking currently.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Debbie & L.Gaga

These two songs were stuck in my head. From totally different time periods, different genre, but somehow about the same stuff - wanting to be with someone they probably shouldn't be. Anyway it struck me how criteria of hot chicks have changed.

The time when the hottest girl is the girl-next-door - the era of big t-shirts (I think I would have finish burning all the photos of me ever in one), reebok or LA gear sneakers and scrunchies.

When the hottest girl is ..totally someone you wouldn't want to bring home to see your mum. Ok..I am drooling over her tatt and alexandra mcqueen crab-claw heels.
Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah, la-la-o-la-la. Gaga ooh-la-la..tell me I am not the only one who find the opening so catchy..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Finally went to a sinseh, after a night of intermitten sleep, no thanks to waking up whenever I turned over in my sleep and a really painful moment when I did my usual morning-wakeup rollover to check the time . A colleague recommended a "神医" (in her words), who took care of her back problems. It was as well that the clinic is at Telok Blangah, which is just at turn around the office (actually there was another, but was a bit further away in town).

The sinseh's popularity is well I had to wait for at least 1 hour before it was my turn. By the time it was my turn, I was bored stiff staring at the (empty) pavement outside the clinic. As I limped in, the sinseh asked: “什么事?” “拉到背” and told me to sit with my back facing him. He started from the shoulders and then the shoulder blades. He then tapped my right shoulder blade ,“哪, 这里有问题.."

O_o But...It's actually my left back? And he hasn't even reach there.

“你们年轻人哈,以为这边痛,就是这边有问题。什么x-ray, painkillers, 怎么医都不会好。 等一下我做给你看”

And told me to lay flat on the bed facing down, and pressed my right shoulder blade
And pressed the inside of my right knee

(I can feel the sadistic snigger in his comment..)

A few seconds later I can feel A NEEDLE on the top of my spine. The sinseh said something about the right side of the brain to the left side of the body and left side of the brain to right side of the body but the only thing that was running my through my mind was "ohmygodpleasemakesurethattheneedledonthitthewrongspot.."

I think it lasted a few seconds, and then he said "来,吸气..." and just as I was still breathing in he pressed down the whole back (those who went under the sports council physios would have known what that is for and how it felt - it would be you in between the concrete ground and the physios, who so far have all been quite weighty people, and they lean their weight against you . It feels like your rib cage is going to crash under the weight of that physios, ..the mental image can be quite worrying but it was a joy to have that after training every time).

I can hear all the bones cracking off and "hahhhh...". Instantaneous relief.

“来,转身”. And I flipped myself. And it took me one second to realise that I can turn painlessly.

And then he did the lower back crack with the left leg across the body while pressing the left shoulder down. Another series of cracks. And he showed me some stretching exercises for the lower back (feels like I am back in SCC).

“ok..来, 坐这边" and pointed to a stool. When I was seated, he did the most amazing contortionistic manouever that I can ever imagine, by grabbing my legs, twisted my torso, and up to now I didn't know what/how it happened. But my shoulders and back went cracking like firecrackers within that few seconds. Did the other direction. and then my head and shoulders.

I wonder if the persons waiting outside the sinseh's room can hear them.

But I can walk!
After a few reminders (“你们不要每次只会吃painkillers!你们哈.." I really wonder who is the "你们" and he taught me some exercise to balance the back muscles), he gave me some med and I was on my way out...walking properly. While in the car, I sms-ed my colleague "He's really very good". She replied," ya, is he quite fierce? did he scold you?". Basket..never warn me in advance..but it's worth the visit!

Now the back is a bit sore, since it must have been a while that the back was so knotted up. But at least I think I can flip over in my sleep more comfortably tonight!

Monday, February 15, 2010

CNY damper

It was an innocuous move. Yeah the stiffness in the back was building up esp when had to walk and sit, sit and walk for such long period but I thought it should be able to hold up for a while.

The day started quite beautifully. Had a long sleep, ignored the alarm, ignored the sun and slept and slept and slept.. woke up and finish up another terry pratchett. In bed (reading in bed is means that you are having a lazy day ahead and can afford some reading in bed :D). Washed up and jest with a dog a bit. Had lunch (yup I mention that I slept in right). Went to the kitchen and saw that the dog has pee-ed on the newspaper (thank goodness he's finally got it) so decided to clean it up a bit. Bent down and.....

then the sharp pain struck.

I couldn't even continuing squatting and sat down on my side. Took a bit of willpower to roll over and stand up. Now I am partially immobile - try walking like a lopsided stickman and see if you are as mobile as you think.

Sigh. I still thought I can go run off some of the bak kwa that I have been gorging on...

Day 1 CNY


Though I really still cant feel the CNY mood yet (despite seeing so many people in red - I think I have never see such masses of people in red that I think maybe it has broken some Guiness World records), hope everybody had a good time catching up with their clans! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Still nursing a slight hangover from last night..too much chicken stock cubes (we estimated that 5 cubes of knoss chicken stock went into that 1 pot of steamboat soup!), too much wine (but I still made it home safely), and generally drank too little water.

But I wonder if I heard the right thing last night when one of the guys was trying to "lelong" me off. If I heard what I thought I heard, the answer was surprisingly candid, though I was rolling my eyes and laughing it off.



Qiao is back!

Met her and some of the rest for dim sum breakfast. Supposedly at Red Star at 9am, and I thought I was late. But when it was 9.10am and I was still at Havelock and no sms/call..I know that I wasn't fashionably late enough. Team habit is hard to change :/

And when I reached the door of Red Star, the door was closed shut. Dammit! Not open!

Then it was frantically trying to find another dim sum place in the vicinity (another restaurant was also closed, guess they are taking a long break too) and thanks to ZA, we managed to find one shop at Smith Street that is opened on the eve of CNY.

When Jun zi was asking the lady at the next table to help us take a photo using lil's BB, for the second shot, the lady actually said "Ok, now funny face!". We were like O_o.

Looking around the table, it suddenly dawn on me - 我们都老了成熟了。

Waiting for that photo with the "funny face". Hah~

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Zee Avi - First of the Gang to Die

Imeem bought over by My Space - sucks (gosh what rude language. But I can't think of any other adverbs). Means that I can't just embed any song clip if I cant find any nice vids.

Totally no CNY mood; cant even go away. Bleh.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meet Gino the dog

Was mooshing around the lappie and the dog was at my feet..when I accidentally hit on the photo booth icon, and the lappie cam was activated..


grabbed the dog and had to struggle a bit (that's the reason why there weren't any much's almost a wrestling match trying to hold him in position or tug-of-war to get the camera strap/pouch of his mouth)

Here goes.

And then off he goes before he gnaws my hand off.

Shaggy little rascal.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Have your (sustainable) fish and eat it!

Got this link from a friend, who I am surprised to have caught up with in such unlikely event, and not knowing that he has became such a fervent environmentalist.

It's all about exercising your consumer power, to decide where you want to spend, how you want to spend, and in the process, condoning/condemning the way how certain businesses are run. In the long run, only when there is enough consumer pressure or financial incentives, businesses with good governance to the people, land and other natural resources they use can then be sustainable.

And with the CNY festivities coming around, voices urging to refrain from the the shark fins are heard more often. It was even brought up during one of the PAP platform. While the online version offers scant info, the full writeup in Straits Times only show how "politically correct" the two young PAPs were.

Shark's fin a matter of moral suasion

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Home Alone Doggie

Reached home and the first thing that I saw when I opened the door was...

an upturned basket (which had previous been full of tidbits, cookies, snacks - short of one granola bar and one 马蹄酥 cos I found their wrapper on the floor) and a floor of crumbs.

And a very happy and excited dog wagging his tail till his whole butt was shaking.
