Friday, March 30, 2012


Knowing you has been my biggest regret.

是说真的吗? 你回答。






Be yourself

I came across something that day - imagine if you ask yourself this question: what do you do everyday?

Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep.......

You get the drift.

At least I get some respites with the little escapades. But every now and then there is always some hair tearing moments that I fretted if this is ever all I will get out of my life, and if I should be doing something else.

Always feels like a mid-life crisis every time.

And then I came across this vid. In Paulo Coelho's words - be yourself, be useful, be a good example, and spread the joy.

If you are a tree, you are a tree. No point trying to think if you would rather be a river.

Just be yourself.

(Still, I am sure there's always this perennial question - who is this "yourself"? Ahhhhh yes.......)

Daft Punk Technologic

My theme song in the office almost every day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ordinary People, Lengendary Loves

How do you love somebody, and how do you know he is the one you love.

Just finished watching Krishnan's Dairy, by the same person who did Guru of Chai.

Didn't actually plan to watch this..given the really cliche sypnosis - love story, immigrants, corner store....

The story started off with a slow start, and I was wondering where it was heading. But it got more interesting halfway, and ended off with a bang. The punchline came so simply and real strong. Hopes, dreams, love - can be so simple.

That's life.

It's always a marvel how a simple story can be transformed by a good story teller with a few simple props.

Anyway 5 shows left! Or otherwise, as the main lead let on, wait for the feature film soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Once OST - Falling Slowly

Probably one of those films which never reached our shores.

On a separate note, seems like things are picking up steam at the work front..

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Count starts now...

1. Bruise on the left elbow from lifted ball (and the referee blew against me. Wtf...)

2. Bruise on left knee from lifted ball (cant remember when it happened though)

3. Bruised left thumb and middle finger from a clip from somebody's stick

4. Split right big toenail (Probably due to the design of the turf shoes, bad fit so the toe got pushed against the front too much. Means have to change turf shoes or suffer 3months of split/bruise toenail.. Argh. I'm never buying Nike turf shoes again.)

5. Sore glute and hamstring after peeling off the compression tights (life-savers they are, for a bum like me who hadn't been training enough for the intensity)

Overall, 2 games down and 10 more games to go...still a good start to the season I think :)

27 Mar 12 - I just found another bruise on my did it get there??

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Walk Off The Earth - Somebody That I Used to Know

Great song for dissing that someone off.

Still..Epic cover. I think I will try to buy their songs off iTunes just to support them.

Check out the original song - just as good.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


这几天,旅行的话题频频出现。同事打算七月中旬到巴厘岛,然后旅游欧洲伦敦,友人聊起向往人烟稀少的国家兜游。昨天 Straits Times Life Section,报道了菲莉宾岛群的人间天堂,和古色古香的拉贾斯坦


前些日子,突发奇想,想去返璞归真的旅行,就背一个背包,爬一个山脉还是徒步野外。 不只是买东西吃东西,就真的去看一个地方的风貌,体会它的的风俗民情。



之前有看到面本书上一个朋友到香格里拉的照片,和友人提出西藏或俄罗斯的背包出游, 都有一点蠢蠢欲动。


Taylor Swift - Safe & Sound

Gone are the curls, thick lined eyes, and cutesy teenager getup.

3 days past, and I still can't get the song out of my system.

Soundtrack for the film adaptation of The Hunger Games. Interestingly, I don't recall seeing the books on the shelves when I last browsed (location: airport heading off to Maldives. Woot!~). But going by wikipedia, I think this young adult novel likely wins Harry Potter hands down (ok, I do have a warped sense of things I like that are probably a little less than the mainstreams).

The movie premiered in LA yesterday. I wonder when it'll be coming to Singapore....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tricky Wash My Soul

Whenever it gets so ever frustrating, I always have an urge to strangle somebody or smash someone's face in.

Wash my soul indeed.

Going to scrounge for darker songs.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


“比赛追球的时候,量力就好。追不到, 就别追了。我们也不年轻了,伤到真的很难好”

喝咖啡的时候,JZ 好言相劝。

我想,几年前的我们,也不会想到有这么一天,我们会这样认老。如果说,只是本地联赛,又不是国际比赛,不用这样拼命。 那,我们当年死都不让老队员退下,还记得有几次,F 还是带伤吃了止痛药上场的。





Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Descendants

Randomly chose to watch "The Descendant" on a whim (it was between this, "The Muppets", "J Edgar" or "A Week with Marilyn". "The Muppets" almost came up tops for want of something lighter :/ ) on SQ coming back from Maldives.

This comedy-drama proved to be a good choice on both counts. Imagine the triple whammy of having to make the final decision to pull the plug to your wife's life support in accordance to her living will, discovering that she had been having an affair and probably been planning to divorce you if she hadn't met with the accident, and that you are about to endow your wife's paramour with a great fortune with the biggest land sale that was just waiting for your signature.

And haplessly dealing with your daughters who up to that moment you didn't have to bother all your life, and everything that seemed to be falling to shreds around you.

And the soundtrack and pristine waters! (and hawaiian shirts! Do people really walk around town in those shirts, berms and slippers all day?)

Coincidentally, the director was the same person who directed "About Schmidt" (Jack Nicholson was brilliant!) and "Sideways" (made me pick up my first Pinot Noir :p)

Next show that I want to catch: A Separation

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Maldives 2012

Here's the vid! Thanks to the mate who worked into the night compiling all the raw vids and putting them together!!

Monday, March 5, 2012



我心中 却还在闪烁着那打在马尔代夫海面上,暖暖的太阳。

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Back!

Maldives was AWESOME!!!! We usurped the dive briefing sign board on the 2nd last dive day, and the ramblings pretty much summarise the Maldives trip :)

Except that my max depth was 42m (didn't even realise it since I could still see the water surface, until I read my dive comp), two had tried to look for an underwater cave and pushed the limit to 58m..) And yes, I finally hit 100 dives. Took too long.

Overall, it was still a trip with amazing dives on board Maldives Agressor. The best thing about a live-on-board - eat, sleep,dive. Saw so many creatures big and small (never seen so many lion fishes before too!) And note that the items checked are in the PLURAL. Yup. Saw
  • sharks of different sizes,
  • whale sharks on two different outings,
  • nurse shark that came within 50cm too close for comfort, and another one that was skulking at the back.
  • mantas that were circling, minding their businesses, oblivious to the divers who were bubbling all around them,
  • eagle rays and whitetip sharks in schools until we lost track how many,
  • huuuggeee marble rays, which were pretty scary to see during a night dive when that was the first thing the flash hit when almost at the bottom,
  • turtles, which one young curious one followed us as we drifted along the reef during one of the dives and followed us to the end until we went up shallower for the safety stop .
Made me regret for procrastinating in getting the S100 with u/water housing for this trip.

Waiting for the video that one of the mates is refining. We had a preview on Friday night, which was already great on its own. And now I can't get the sound track out of my head.