Saturday, January 30, 2010

Smell like Team Spirit

Power 98 has the soft rock segment every saturday, and that was exactly where I was tuned in to on the way back home. This was the first song and the radio was blasted to the max that I think is within the safety limits of being able to hear the horns of other vehicles.

However I wonder if it is safe to be head-banging though :/

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A personal prayer

Give me the patience to hold my tongue
to prevent lashing out unnecessary
at the people who did not know
that they have crossed the line
as they thought they did what was right

Give me the wisdom to recognise
the true face of a person
and know with finality
that it's my blessing to have seen
that side before it's too late

Give me the courage to speak up
what I really think
on how to make things better
without harshness and barbs
or putting anybody down


Give me the peace of mind
to let go of any hard feelings
Not to be jaded,
and to look forward to yet another day
with renewed hope and faith


好闷。 回家想找一些乐子,但连电视都没什么能看的。

想拿起一本书, 才想到刚刚才把拖欠过两星期的图书退还。Bookmooch网上刚mooch的书要好一阵子才会受到。


Sunday, January 24, 2010


this is not a bad weekend -

I am watching sherlock holmes (I love and hate Jude Law in the show - he's so hot but a true-blue-sherlock holmes- fan will fate how not Watson-like he is!)

I was at the pool with a group of crazy but fun divers today

My room is relatively cleared of mess (which usually pile up during the whirlwind in-to-sleep-and-off-for-work routine)

Cleared a few stop-gap measure emails yesterday and today.

and I am ignoring the work documents I brought home and not really looking forward to this coming week.


(and I haven't named my new lappie too...Macy - the car; Macy - the old lappie; Aidan - the new car; ??? - the new lappie?)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's Friday!!

Sometimes you have that feeling that you don't know what day it is. If not for the daily meetings and scheduled deadlines, every day feels, looks the same somewhat.

After the after-office-hour meeting, it was an awkward timing - late enough to call it a day and go home, nua in front of the TV or early enough to hit the town. Deciding between both but in the end decided to join friends who are chilling out somewhere at the fringe of town. Sitting down and doing nothing - sounds good :))

Sigh...feels good to be slowly drinking, talking about nothing; decent enough crowd, not too much that it feels suffocating, not too little that you feel that you are in a ghost town. And sufficient parking to boot. I can see myself going to Winebos more often :p

anyway, cant get this song out of my head. It's rare that a Chinese group does electronic dance music and rare that I find it catchy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Lappie

just when I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.....and then the train hit me :/


Anyway am doing this blog entry on the new lappie - I got a Macbook pro! It came yesterday but then I was too tired after reaching home past midnight, only too have the lappie fully set up after my brother went to configure all the stuff.

Now I donno where to find the "insert" button or "My Documents"..and only to find that the "delete" button actually is for "backspace" (gosh..I really sound like some IT idiot here.)

The old one has served me so well for the past 4 years that I was reluctant to get a new one. No matter it takes ages to boot up. No matter that it takes at least 5 mins to go to the homepage (it is good enough so that I can start surfing by the time I grab a glass of water/ brush my teeth/ go moosh around in the get the drift).

(ahh...I found the icon to the Documents folder..oh..and I didn't know that you can do double click by tapping the touchpad twice..argh.)

Anyway it took me ages to get myself down to getting the lappie. It crashed, resurrected, keyboard went haywire, resurrected the second time, and all the time I thought that's cos it just had its own idiosyncrasies.

I am sentimental.

Either that or you can say that I am just a stickler for familiar stuff. Like knowing that there is a separate "insert" and "backspace" button where I can find them on the keyboard without looking.

Oh well, I think I will start having fun with this Macbook pro soon..after I figure out what those weird buttons are and how did my sister do all the cool toggling stuff.

(hey one of the weird buttons can do the cool toggling stuff! :)

(can I just add..I just discovered "Front Row"! Its damn cool!!)

This is a bad...bad....week :s

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Doggie dream

Gino was sleeping at my feet while I am scratching my head on what to come up with for "contact" and "application".

Suddenly, his legs and paws started twtiching like he was running, and his face has that semi-smile of satisfied glee.

He may be dreaming that :

(i) he is chasing his hide bone that we always throw for him to fetch
(ii) one of us reach home and he's running to the door to meet us
(iii) running along the path of his usual walk, sniffing at all the possible stumps and patches that he comes across


He has grown quite big since the past few months. Will post pics soon..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


While driving to work..

(Over the radio, on the topic of what are the normal festive food that you only get to see during the particular festival)
DJ: "以前要吃到一只鸡腿, 只有可能过年才有机会吃!现在, 你要吃什么全年都能吃到.......如果火鸡没这么难吃, 可能全年都可以找得到”

以前的人,是因为没别的东西, 才得吃火鸡。 为所谓的传统,从地球另一端飞进又老又没味道的火鸡, 配搭一棵棵如假包换的pine trees...那燃油烧得漫天的二氧化碳,不知道值不值得。


Lunch time...

从没觉得,食阁的东西是可以吃的。勉强充饥, 还可以。 今天, 点的那碗小碗面, 面都没煮熟。看着剩下半碗吃了肯定不消化的面,在想小时候妈妈每次骂我们,“哎哟, 非洲的小孩没有东西吃咧!你还不快点吃?”, 觉得好像是在暴遣天物。

积的冤孽,是嫁在没心把面煮好的小贩,还是嘴叼的我。但放眼过去,可惜没有阴阳眼, 不然会看到食阁全都是冤魂 - 漂在东西都只吃完一半的碗盘上。




记得有一次去一个席晚宴。 座上的友人嚷嚷要喝好多碗的鱼翅。

二十多桌的鱼翅,是不是代表我少二十多次看鲨鱼在大海里漫游的机会? 一年几十千个结婚晚宴,就有好几千条要几年孕长的生命,为了其中的一道菜牺牲了。吃过、谁会记得哪次哪夜吃过的那碗鱼翅汤。    


At home...

朋友在facebook寄上一个网址 -。 在赞叹创意满满的小品之余,就算你选择不听不闻,肆虐生态环境、废物逐日增加的事实是不会改变的。

那天听电台广播,听到一则美国衣物品牌公司要清除旧货,不是捐赠给慈善, 或是搞大平卖。竟然使用剪刀、刀片,一件件的割破后才丢弃。想象- 那可能是几亩田地、几桶油箱的成和品。而那些活在文明边缘的人,会多渴望可以受惠! 


Monday, January 11, 2010


飘逸兰花, 没赏识者,兰花依旧清贵优雅。严蓄寒冬,只为蕴含它再度绽放的魅力。

( chinese is good but it's not that fantastic that I can make sense of the whole poem. That's why google was invented..and 百度of course. Go check out the original poem which the lyrics were 改编-ed from. )

当之前听过,周润发演孔子, 脑子全都是小马哥,赌神的形象。 孔子 - 会像吗??




p.s. yo, bro..thks for sending me the link..the song was stuck in my head so I had to youtube it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


A friend who follows my blog told me that the proposed gathering will materialise if only I am not too tired.

Hmm..gosh..I think I am going to be a no-lifer soon if this goes on.. salvage of what is left of my almost non-existent social life, and in line with my new-new year resolution, I SHALL not worry about not being able to finish my work or being too tired to go out and have fun. what a friend replied through FB..going to sneak in some quality time in between the mountains of work to do stuff I like, or just chill.

I like the sound of it already. Haha~ Bring it on baby! :D

(btw I have been wanting to catch this after it won the best picture during the golden horse. Want to catch this before it finish its run, but only thing is to find someone else who is interested to watch such a 冷门show..who want to watch??)

Bohemian Rhapsody

I like this song :)

I love the Muppets :D

I'm sure you would have joined them at the part "For me..For Meee...for MEEEEEEE!" in front of your comp. Hahah~

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My New "2010 New Year Resolution"

Dance Love Sing Live

Just when you thought the world is not treating you well enough, you see someone who is grabbling with realities of life dealing with a terminally ill family member, while still trying to keep a sane and jovial front. It's heart wrenching, seeing him trying to salvage every last minute possible, racing against time which is seeping away every second.
If ever, I don't want to spend my last days having to regret what I haven't done. It's so hard sometimes, with the never ending chase for transient things, which doesn't really matter to anybody really, not even myself, at the end of the days. Guess it probably calls to be more foolhardy, celebrating every mis-turnings along the way rather than shying away from road less travelled. new - new year resolution.

Things to look forward to

1. A little bit of sleep-in every sat and sun

2a. Hockey season (am I really looking forward to it??? erm..ok..let's goto the next one)

2b. Layang Layang in May! (awww..seems a bit far away..)

3. ..............(I am lost for any other ideas)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whoever was that..

that was thinking of me the whole day, it's causing me to sneeze none stop :/ It's tiring to try to sneeze without conjuring up the pain in the back.

Dammit..the whole ENT region feels like a jammed drain pipe ready for a super dynamic pump. I can even feel the previous otolith syndrome coming back as I was trying not to dizz in front of my boss in the afternoon.

Eck. Need lots of water and sleep..


I'm so gg to sing this song the next time I go k, but the MV is crappy. The emo version of Avril's Skater Boy.

And as the world turns on and on
Love is lost and love is won, laughed and cried when we were young
You went your own way. I survived.
And did you ever see everything inside of me?

Looking back I think I have done alright.
Oh aren't you glad you didn't stay with me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Feeling nostalgic

I prob lost my clubbing groove

Was out at Shanghai Dolly on New Year's Day..just for William Scorpion. Yes William Scopion. The hot 50plus yr old -rumoured gay :p There were prob only like two of us in the group who were real keen to see him in action, while the rest were ok so long as we had a girls' night out, so they were kind enough to indulge us. Haha~

Sad to say, Shanghai Dolly was prob only interesting for that only..don't think I will ever go back again!

Anyway I just realised that the last time I went clubbing was I think half a year ago (gasp!).. even then it was a far cry when I was hitting Velvet, Newsroom and Bar None almost every other weekend 4 years ago.

Since then, the idea of sitting somewhere and drink rather than having to squeeze with ten thousand persons probably sounds more appealing. Well, even during the last night out half a year ago, I think I was also probably just standing around and people-watch. Someone told me before it's a sign of age catching up. I say it's cos of the company I keep during those ocassions- the Nua-ers. The lazy buggers who refuse to move their butts once they find a table and plonk themselves until they feel the urge to go home (rather than sleep on the tarmac floor outside the club). Bleh.

Like today. I got an sms - one to go Dbl O and another to go Wala.

Dbl O - gosh. The last time I was there was prob ..hmm..what..5 years ago??! I wonder how I would appear standing around and watch all the SYTs (sweet-young-things my dear..) grooving to the music. I can possibly pass off as those hum sap old men standing at the bar counters staring at SYTs on the dance floor..if no one knows any better. Hah~ But anyway if not for the fact that I had two horribly late nights in a row, with a horrible week ahead, I prob would have hit the joint too (for old time's sake! ;p)

Wala - hmm..that was a tempting invitation. Can go in cap, t-shirt ..grab a mojito and lounging around (but they get horribly crowded nowadays), listen to Shirley and the Unxpected tonight (they sing on Sats right?). But too bad..two horribly late nights and a horrible week ahead. (Anyway this is going to be one friend who is going to disown me soon..I flew him aeroplane too many times liao :s Maybe next sat..)

Maybe....just one round of Dbl O..or the likes..just to see if I had really lost the groove. But after that you will see me retreating to places like Wala for probably a long while. hah~

Friday, January 1, 2010

'Ello 2010!~

The very first few hours of the new year saw me being so wasted...I swear never to play drinking games ever again :s Let's just hope that it wont set the tone for this year *cross fingers*

What a way to end the last decade - the last 10 years which saw me graduating exactly 10 years ago and stepping into the real world where nothing ever follows what the text books says. And I must say it was a roller-coaster ride of a decade.

Talking about the new year, I realise that I havent made my new year resolution yet. Well..the memory of some new year resolutions that didn't materialise are still pretty vivid...but I read somewhere that making new year resolutions provides some kind of new hope, which is somewhat good for your mental health :D

so here goes..

(i) swim more, run more
(ii) get the back strengthened! No more back pain!
(iii) Have more faith, keep more hope
(iv) hmm...find that someone-someone?? (I wouldn't call it a resolution can anyone resolute to find his - her partner? know someone who did. But then that's another blog entry altogether)

Hmm..that seems pretty short, but I guess that should be it. May 2010 be the new starting point for a better decade!