Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do you have special friends to play with?


When life throws you lemons..make lemonade.

So how when life throws you disgusting shit....make cesspool??

(You sure you want me to google for a image to put here?)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

500 days of Summer.

I finally had the chance to catch this movie. Yes, the disclaimer that appeared at the beginning of the show should be there - it wasn't supposed to be a love story. Rightly so.

I cant believe that a love story can be so sad but yet not the tear inducing kind. I can hear the hearts breaking in the movie theatre (or maybe it was only my own. I literally gasped.) when Thomas saw the proposal ring on Summer. Thank god for the light hearted treatment of the whole show. If not I would have to invent some phantom super-bug-50-days-old-cold or something.

But then again, all's fair in love. Or whatever that L-letter thing is (I think I am forgetting how it's like anymore). No any more pushing or imagining will make it materialise. And...I wouldn't want to be like Summer in the show! "Just try" will never happen again. Will accumulate too many bad karma.

Oh crap. No wonder I'm still single....

Thursday, October 22, 2009


...就是只剩下追求躯体上的慰籍。然后, 当对方的体温在枕边消失,又得再重新面对心里更巨大的黑洞与寂寞。 这是世界动物的本能, 但是这种感受, 却是人类专属的。

Tuesday, October 20, 2009






Sunday, October 18, 2009

Super Junior - Sorry Sorry

During the latest K-song session, some decided to slot in the "Nobody" song by Wondergirls ("Nobody. Nobody but Choo.." Oh..did you just managed to get the song out of your head after so long, and I had to remind you of it again?)

We had good time singing and clapping to that song :D.

And after that for no reason why, this other song below (which has no relevance whatsoever other than it's also a k-pop) had been playing in my head since then.

Anyway, I might just as well put this in :)

haha~ dont blame me if the song get stuck in your head-Nobody nobody but choo *clapclap* (just try to keep down the urge to kick up that leg :D)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm good!

After one good massage, my evil aura took a turn for the better. If you have those gimicky gadgety stuff that tells the colour of the aura, I probably had turned a fiery red to a more soothing blue or something.

What's more, just as I was turning out of the carpark after the session, I got a call from my ex-boss Rebecca from CCG days (I wasn't always in the uniform service you know, I had a great one year living the high energy life at this outfit right after I graduated. A unique one at that.). I was supposed to meet her to catch up after I last saw her almost 2 years ago, but the meetup had to be cancelled when Suntec area was hit by that tremor from the recent earthquake. But at 10pm?? That's kinda weird. Oh well.."Hello Bec!"

"Oi! Look in front! Do you see me?" One fella was standing at the front of the eat out place next to the shop I was at just now, one hand on the handphone and the other arm flinging from side to side.

I can't believe it. While I was at the massage, she and a few others from CCG were drinking and eating at the place next door. And she saw me walking out (must be the good aura), took a while to be confused (if she saw the right person. It's so her), and decided to call me before I drove off for good.

What serendipity.

So I had another great hour with half a mooncake (don't ask) and a bottle of beer, catching up.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Taurus Overview 13 Oct 2009:

It may be too hard to resist the impulse to tell others off today -- though they aren't hearing you! At least you don't have to stew in your rage when you can release it for all the world to see.



当你走进一个人的近范围内,那个人,削掉他耀眼,让人迷惑的光芒后,竟然是懵懂懂,不知所措,不负责任, 一个毫不起眼的伪君子。呸!






在玩家家酒啊?! 一下要冲向东, 一下要驶向西。你们不累,我可累了!



答应过的,为什么可以这么容易推掉?就算是不起眼的小事,出尔反尔, 诚心在那里?



Monday, October 12, 2009

Hat Trick!

3 weekends of diving in a roll! And all 3 different spots of the West Malaysia dive sites: Aur-Tioman-Dayang. Until my body clock adjust itself to wake up just as we reach Mersing :/ It feels like I have completed a circuit of some sort.

Its amazing how you meet different people for vastly different background on ocassions like this.

This latest trip saw me leading a leisure diver, all the way from UK, who squeezed in a few days dive post business trip and celebrated his 100th dive on the very last dive of the trip.

On Friday just as I rushed into the shop from work to RV for the trip, I met these couple who I had met during the confined pool session. Ok, I am bad with names after a few days, but I remember that the girl is a teacher in training and the guy is in NTU. And we were talking like nothing has passed since the 5 (or was it 6?) weeks that we met.

Weekends spent on the sea with nice weather, blue waters, and fishes (and of course the people too) are good.


So looking forward to the goodies this week - pork knuckles on Tuesday (Guys, dont change the date anymore!), massage on Wed (I had the appointent pinned to my cube wall since one month back. I NEED THE MASSAGE!)

Just hope that the foot heals in time for the next dive. And oh yeah..clock more sleep!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fancy a dance on the overhead bridge?

My friend sent me this link to youtube thru MSN after I logged off to crash. Other than the fact that I am starting to question his musical taste, I never knew that Singapore overhead bridges were ever good for filiming an MV?? LOL!

p/s : I am so sleep deprived...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't try to mother me

Sometimes someone would just say something that will draw out the rebel in me.

I hate being mothered, what's more if the intention sounds warped. Blame the free-spiritedness in the Horse zodia ccoupled with the stubborness of a Taurean.

How can a diving trip be so different from a shopping trip, that I must inform bosses whenever I go diving?? What dangerous?! A bus trip up Genting may prob be just as probable to meet with an accident. I feel as if I am reporting to my mother. I'm not a freaking 15 year old! Argh...

I just hope that that my face hasn't turned shades of black too soon before I tried to turn on some self control. It would have been awkward if I had replied that even my mother let me have some freedom thank you very much. I almost couldn't help it but it would have been the ultimate CSM (career suicidal move) wouldn't it..but I sensed that some animosity vibe must have crept to that person, cos he then quickly made his exit move after mumbling something.

I so hate being mothered....