Thursday, November 22, 2007

Detox Day 2

Today is the 2nd day of detox. Woohoo~

Not that I was that chirpy yesterday. The effect kicked in after lunch when I was almost nodding off, and almost couldn't last my way home. When I was home, it was a battle between the angel and the demon - to log on or go straight to sleep?? (of course the angel won cos I figured I'l be slapping myself in the face for starting on detox yet making myself more acidic as it is by keeping late nights :s). It had been quite bad especially last week when late nights (都是Facebook的错!:/)and too much meat (hmm..Uno..yum... :p) are giving me super stiff shoulders and cold hands, coupled with bad sleeps = DARK EYES CIRCLES!!. That was enough to make me cranky and decided to jumpstart engine again.

Anyway it's good that got people doing it with me, always good to have company :D Was munching on my sweet potato this morning when I realised that the routine is becoming so easy and routine, compared to when I first started and found it a chore to stuff one apple and one sweet potato down so early in the day. Guess it'll be easier once I experiment with blending all those stuff that I need to chew into powder and just throw them into the morning mix..

And they are going to show Sex and the City on MIO TV! Heard the familiar opening tune on Class 95 and remembered the time when I was chugging through the whole 7 seasons of episodes (Fenny, if you are reading this,the DVDs are still with me)

(And also Fen, if you are reading this, try the Sex & the City quiz on Facebook!)

I'm "Carrie Bradshaw"! :)))

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