Friday, September 21, 2007

You despicable thing!

Source :

de·spise [di-spahyz]to regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe.

Chinese (Simplified):

abhor, aboinate, allergic to, chill, contemn, deride, detest, disdain, disregard, eschew, execrate, flout, hate, loathe, misprize, neglect, put down, reject, renounce, repudiate, revile, run down, scorn, shun, slight, snub, spurn, trash, undervalue, wipe out
1. one would tend to detest someone for behavior, despise someone for character2. hate means to 'dislike intensely, loathe' and despise means 'look down on contemptuously'

Imagine the kind of emotions behind when someone utters that he/she despises you. How would you react :-
(i) take it and grovel
(ii) refute and defend your grounds
(iii) ignore and let it pass

Thinking about this, I have never used such strong words before. To despise, to me, the person is really without integrity, no sense of value, no sense of moral. He or she will have to be the lowest lifeform (probably a slug) that probably wont be missed should he/she disappear from the surface of the world. Maybe the world may even rejoice since it is rid of one redundunt oxygen-waster.

But I guess that is only me.

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