Sunday, September 16, 2007

Detox - Part 2 (养性)

I originally had the idea of completing my detox update, when I thought of something else.


Recently when I looked at a few people around me, I find that it's not surprising that
(i) they grumble about other people - colleagues,bosses, friends, but dont want to do anything about them.
(ii) they always find that efforts to improve anything is a waste of time
(iii) they think that work is boring, but ask them what else they want to do..they dont have any idea
(iv) Basically,outlook is negative-negative-negative-negative

There are always a lot of self-help books around - Who move my cheese, Fish!, and many others that I'll never pick up (I think I will fall asleep. But I read Who moved my cheese and Fish! cos they are thin by comparison to other self help books :p), but I wonder have anyone was so moved by one book and change completely? I was pretty motivated when I read Who moved my cheese..but the motivation lasted till reality hits home when I was overwhelmed by challenges and other things that didn't go my way.

人是健忘的动物. It's always a challenge to keep reminding oneself to move on and keep improving. And it's always wonderful when you know someone who can remain so positive and 动力十足, like Peng Lao Shi. But like he say, 一念地狱,一念天堂. Which brings to mind the other day, during a facilitation course, someone shared that his most memorable movie is "Sliding Doors". A single thought can change things down the line which lead to totally different destiny ('s creepy cos the movie had impressed me quite a bit as well)

Perhaps it's time to check myself in a mental detox program, and I may end up feeling as light as how it felt yesterday during the hockey game(I think the actual detox helped...cos I didn't scold the umpires during the whole of yesterday's game! hahah~)


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