Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My horoscope today

"Your great mental energy helps you see things from a new perspective -- maybe one that seemed pretty foreign to you not all that long ago. It may be life-changing, so get ready for it!"


Maybe its the revelation that I am a closet bag whore (just cos I cannot afford that guccisimo bag doesn't mean I dont covet it)

Maybe it's the realization that there's no point in worrying if another department upstream or downstream doesn't really do what is necessary - if they screw up, they screw up; no use hounding the issues if they are nonchalant about it..but it makes a hell of a difference with the blood pressure.

Or it could be that it's high time to revert back the short hair, after that glimpse at the mirror that I thought I had my bob again, before realising that my hair was covered by the collar of my jacket.

But the above are not life changing..

But this may be.

Hmm..or maybe it wont.

Well, whatever. This is going to be a long week, when suddenly from some appointments came out from nowhere. Sleep!

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