Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another "past time" for the night owl

Gone are the days when I tried to sneak into the house, after coming home late, to avoid waking up my mother and to have her standing outside her room and ask, "这么迟才回来?". To which I will always try to mumble some feeble reply and steer far far away from her in order not to freak her out with the alcoholic fumes.

I thought I had earned my freedom finally when my mum couldn't care less if I party till the wee hours and come back home (in one piece! I owe myself that).

Until recently. Now when I tried to turn the key, I had to be extra careful and try not to make any sound. But so far there were not much success. By the time I open the door, I hear the whine and I know that that's it.

The dog will start whining, calling for attention. And after walking away from sight, he will start barking and then it would be panic - oh no. I dont want neighbours to start complaining! Removing makeup and showering became hasty affairs just so that I can get to the dog quickly to get him to stop the ruckus.

Leave it to mum? Yeah. Then she will start complaining the next morning and that is the last thing a non-morning person would want. Brother? Donno what is he doing in his room with his computer. Sister? Non-existent until the weekend when she comes back from hall.she comes back from her ECA in uni.

Sometimes I wonder if I should just try a sound test, to see how far the bark can travel. If the neighbours cant hear, then maybe I could bloody care less. But then again, it's hell for light sleepers like me to try to sleep through the din.

The only solution I can think of now is to stay with the dog until he falls asleep again. LIKE NOW! I am sitting on the kitchen floor typing on my laptop, and the dog is on his other side of the fence - the wire grill that forms his playpen. The past few occasions, I had let him out to roam a bit while I do other stuff, but I figure that he would realise that his success rate is pretty high if he whines and barks. So now, I decide that he stays in the playpen. Hestill looks frisky and has no sign of dozing off, while I am all about ready to jump into bed.

I've got to find a solution to this soon @_@.

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