Monday, June 9, 2008

My New Mid-year Resolution

With last weekend's game, it signifies the end of hockey playing season until the next year, which is a good 9 months away..

no games = no trainings = pure commuting from home to office to home = no burning of calories + continuous promo treats = gluttonous eating = PUTTING ON WEIGHT!!

AHHHHH!! I better start on a regular exercising regime!!

And of course the first activity that came to mind was clocking the distance along that long kang near behind my house ( sis told me today that she covered 3 laps which is almost close to 9km if not 8km. And I was struggling to even do 2 and half at my best try 2 years back)

Running was so functional last time, done only when necessary cos that is what is needed to last through the games (and more so cos the coach was screaming at you to pick up speed/close the gaps with the bloody fit&fast runner in front/finish that fart legs within 1 min..). I used to hate running so much. Even now, when I smell the rubbery smell from any stadium tracks I would be immediately be brought back to the time in JC when shin splints and water-logged knees were common and often had their effects felt full force during trainings then.

But now when life becomes more sendentary, I miss the days when I am more often in my sports gears than in my office ones, and I am sweating it out playing some sports than banging on keyboards. There was one day when I was driving...tired after work and all, when I suddenly had the notion that my worse days then when I am fit are much better than my good days now when I am not.

I miss being active. Which is why on a whim I packed my swim gears last thurs, only to have the rain fall continously throughout lunch time and happily stopped by 2.30pm promptly


I had an offer to be paced during the army half marathon. Wondering if I should take it up..

Anyway I am so going to run tomorrow morning..for vanity sake. Heh~

But that is if my bed does agree to let me go after the morning alarm goes off:p

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