Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cleansing Detox Retreat Day 6 - Almost at The End of The Journey (orThe Rope!)

After the natural high yesterday, it was almost like a crash today. Was cranky, tired, frustrated, anxious with every small thing (come to think of it, it is quite similar to times when I don't have enough sleep from working late) and we were told that the liver was emoting, where suppressed feelings come into play.

It came to a point that I was fretting over the smallest thing which I knew i had the solution for, and i could feel the physical reaction to the anxiety that was escalating for no necessary reason. Emotions become sensitive during detoxing process, and with the extra energy diverted from having to ingest and digest food, everything and issue becomes amplified. After that I told Frederique about the minor episode - she really had a way of pinning the crux of my issues when she asked me, "Do you always push yourself in your life?" Bingo. Her final advice - "Be gentle on yourself..."

In other words, was super emo today. Started to doubt why I was even here, why I couldn't do the chaturanga pose properly this morning, why I couldn't had dealt with situations better, hating the incense at the ARMA museum in the museum when I was there in the afternoon...And I wasn't the only one. Susan was ultra cranky, partly because she couldn't sleep and all the physically discomfort from the liver flush.

Liver flush is really no fun..and how one piece of organ dictates how you feel or think.

Looking forward to:-

Breaking fast tomorrow! For all the benefits I know I will get from the supplements, I am tired from having to swallow the pills and capsules everyday (which tells me that I should never fall majorly ill that I have to keep taking pills!) and have some real food for once (though still not hungry). There is the easing in process for the body to start eating and digesting again, will be at least 3 more days before I can start getting meat in my meals, and maybe a full week before I can start eating normally again.

Going back home! Though I wish I had one more day in Ubud to avoid the rush to the airport and having to dive right back to work on Monday. I wonder if my body will have any adverse reaction to work..

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