Monday, January 26, 2009

Have a Moo-verlous year!

Realised that I had more friends who sms CNY greetings compared to new year. Since I lost all my contacts a while back, I was quite busy trying to ask who were the sms-senders. But it feels good that my contacts are updated again :))
Anyway hope that it will be an ox-picious year ahead, after a garbage rat-ish year, for a few things :-
国泰平安 - end the wars, rebuild homes and peace around the world
丰衣足食 - economies to bounce back again, and everybody has enough for their homes and families
心想事成 - for stuff that I want to do, want to try, and want to achieve
and of course....I wouldn't mind
财源滚滚 - for the occasion trip to Singapore Pools. It's time I draw some dividends? :p hahahahah~

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