Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is a sinful week

It started normally...until yesterday which was when the carnage started:

Tues dinner
Dinner was pork knuckle + sausage platter + beer

Wed lunch
烧肉+ 叉烧+烧鸡 for 6 (which looked like it could feed 10)

Wed dinner
2 black pepper crabs + 1 chilli crab + 海鲜油条+“黄金”豆腐 (which was the size of a rim of A4 paper block)+2 plates of negligible veg (for consolation that we are taking something healthy amidst the artery choking sutff) + Vermonster


Lunch - I'm so going to either eat light or skip...cos.....

Dinner - japanese alacarte buffet dinner at Himawari = free flow of shabu shabu+sashimi+fried soft shell crab+ god knows what the rest will order.

The above detailed what I had gone through and going to go through with 3 different groups of people of 3 straight days.

It would hv more amazing if I had remembered to bring my cam on each ocassion to document the kind of food that I am feasting on. I better run them off soon.

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