Monday, April 28, 2008

Dark Fairy Tales

I am still waiting...
so since I was on Youtube, something caught my eye.

The code was disabled, so I cant embed it. Go search for it on youtube "Grimm's Fairy Tales Classics Rumpelstiltskin Part 1/3"

Sure bring back memories of childhood. But realities of adulthood put the characters in a different light - 出尔反尔 的国王和皇后,和吃亏的小精灵.

Just read the video comments..hahah!

The next video that I watched was Rapunzel..I can never forget the phrase "Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" But gasp..the prince spent the night with Rapunzel and jumped off her bed in the morning?!!! and there was kiddo at the end calling Rapunzel mummy?!

I think fairy tales all have dark hidden meaning behind them and really meant for adults rather than innocent kids..

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