Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mad (and musical) week

This has been a mad week. I dont have enough time for sleep, not to mention bed and pillows miss me..they have been left alone for too long....... :((

Two uplifting events (which coincidentally are music related)
(i) Joanna Wang playing on repeat everyday of the week

I still cant believe that she is only 19..with her sensual and jazzy voice. Almost everybody who came into my office was asking who's the artiste. The only thing which is missing is a beach chair, the beach, the sea, a pair of sunnies.....

(ii) The only night activitiy this week which was non-work related, caught "We will rock you"

This is the only show that I have not read the sypnosis before watching it, so didn't know what to expect (and thank god I didn't, I would have put off by the storyline and dismiss it!). The music, setup was beyond what I expected. Although Mama Mia's story was better, but the energy of the songs, the acting made up and brought the energy to a high towards the end of the show, with everybody stomping and clapping to "We will rock you" and of course.. how can they leave out Bohemian Rhapsody?! which was the finale after the curtain call.

But I was quite let down by my phone cam..didn't do the poster justice :(

Another musical event is coming up end of the month....五月天!!!!!阿信!!!! :p

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