Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday in the office

It was a long holiday going by the number of days which I didn't touch the office laptop (woot!~). Until yesterday. Darn. It's either having another stay-in before having to go back to reality or risk having a really painful Monday trying to thrash through the woods.

Somestimes ignorance is bliss.

Going back to office on a Sunday can be such a dread, but the usual suspects were in the office, and the umbrella left by another said that she had been back yesterday like she said she would. Haha~ talk about camaderie.

After a few weekends, I realised that working on weekends have its perks:-
  • Nobody cares about what you wear to work - the guys in the team came in t-shirt, bermss, slippers like the typical uncles you see in the neighbourhood. And..erm..I tried not to look too aunty-ish. (but it's difficult when you have to lug yourself from home though)
  • There is nobody around so you can just shout over the cubicles walls -

" you have that xxxx report?" "Yeah, send you now"

" cup noodle dont eat so loud la.." "Cup noodle dont eat so loud not enjoyable leh.."

"Your boss sent out that email already?" "Yes yes..your boss got cc you" (btw we always address our bosses to each other as "your boss")

  • Bosses not around! Nobody to hawk around you! No impromptu emails or phone calls!

Still...sometimes I wish I was out there doing other stuff (I think my friends are going to blacklist me soon as one of those who are always unavailable, unless they are willing to start dinner at 9-ish? I have missed a few movie gatherings already! I want to watch Assassins and Bodyguards!). Having some fellow sufferers makes it more bearable, and it's a blessing in disguise that I've got great colleauges who are willing to wade through the cess pool together.

And yeah. I didn't run. I didn't swim. It was raining!

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