Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa, I have been a good girl..well sort of..

is that why I only got $750 this year to "splurge"? But anyway, just in case you may have miscounted the "naughties" (i didn't swear as much this year...idiotic drivers and other brainless species dont count), here goes:

1. A red holga camera

Sigh.. over S$100 bucks for a starter kit. It's a toy camera for goodness sake! That was originally sold for a few bucks or even given free at petrol kiosk wonder. But the images are wonderful..It's even made more confusing when there is also the Diana, which I donno what is the difference when it comes to film size,the accessorising and what really both cameras will do.
Santa, red is niiiccceeee....oh well, the next time someone goes HK, that is going into the to-buy list.

2. Iphone 3GS

One knows that one is definitely a tech-lagger when 3 mahjong kakis are ALL using Iphone. But was tied down to stupid contract for a lousy taiwan phone that keeps losing contact details for god knows what reason and couldn't switch service provider. Good thing too though..鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利。I think I may recontract with Starhub again, but waiting out for my colleauge to check out the corporate price plan at Singtel too. Gosh..that will make me the ultimate tech lagger after almost maybe half the world is already playing games on their Iphones..but .. a phone is a phone is a long as my calendar in the current one doesn't start losing its contents, that will be really the last straw.
3. .......
Hm...maybe make the back pain go away? (ah well...I tink that is something one has to just live with. Serve myself right for not taking care and procrastinating signing up for the pilate or yoga to strengthen the back)
4. .......
OK..since it's only $750 and I cant make the back pain go away, Santa, I just want fun and laughter, joy and happiness. Can hor...?


Sunshine23 said...

Cool camera!! Show the pictures that you've taken ok...

monkeycrab said...

wah ur wishlist is quite similar to mine wor...

MojitoMint said...

Jaqueline - Haha~ i know u looking at the diana...if you ever get one and if i ever get the holga, we trade when u are in SG ok? Then get to play with both :D

joyce..I still thinking abt's $100 bucks for a plastic toy leh!