Thursday, December 31, 2009

It became more exciting after 6

It was like a typical day, just a tad bleak compared to the usual. I don't know why too.

(Thats it. Definitely gg to hit after 8 today)
"Ok who wants food?"

There is always someone needing food nowadays


Finishing off the super salty hor fun. That is prob gg to be the last time I order from the zi char place opp. But when your office is situated at a place there is no food establishment within 5 mins drive after are kind of left with no other choice except the trashy mcdees and the likes.

Got to finish at least some good part of my work before the year ends..

Colleauge A "Hey Pauline, I am supposed to work with you on xxxx."
"Ok, when do you need this?"
"Tomorrow morning?"

*another head popped up from her cube hearing me talking to colleauge A*
"Hey Pauline! You know the xxx that I was supposed to reply to you"
"I have some questions, need you to clarify. I will send email to you?"
(...get in line...)

*another non-related email to seek inputs for a powerpoint*
(I thought the boss would have already send the info over?)
[type type type.."(boss) please give me the information of (such such such). I will incorporate into the ppt slides"]
(life of a person at the bottom of the food chain)

*sms.."sorry..can't go down and meet you all today"*
(type type type)

(ok..first draft on colleague A's stuff send out. Can do my own work liao)
(type type type type)

(ok..done for the day)
(Checked email. Someone replied Colleauge A's earlier email, asking for more stuff to be prepared)

That's it.

Walked to the another fellow sufferer's table, bitched and made jokes corny enough befitting two persons who have stayed in the office for too long.

Shut down laptop.

Go home.

Tomorrow is another day, another war to fight.

I think cos it foretell that the new year, or at least the new few months are going to be more like a war zone. Ooo....rubbing my hands in relish. Got to start preparing more corny jokes.

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