Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Never really like Tanya Chua - I always have this impression that she is the bossy and 霸道type. But then her songs are just so melacholic that they feel like the balm for your soul when you are tired and weary. From 无底洞,双栖动物,到Hello and Goodbye 的达尔文....

但此歌类不宜多听, 会越听越伤感。

I wonder when the 10 bucks China-parallel-import CD is coming..!!!


Becky said...

I like this song... but i think the lyrics I don't quite understand... what does "抛物线" means?

MojitoMint said...

projectile. always coming down from the highest point, always falling short from where it started out from.

so negative right..haha~