Saturday, October 29, 2011

Introvert's Day-in

Every now and then, the introvert in me need to have some downtime.

It had been sorta crazy 2 weeks. Today, decided to push away an engagement, and spent some time at home, tidy up the living spaces a bit, and hopefully, catch some catnap (god knows how bad my dark eye circles have become already).

In the end, no luck at the catnap (damn the body clock) but at least my room now looks less like a tornado swept warzone. Caught up with some admin work (pay bills, update the house mortgage payment ) and read a bit of the book that the aunt bought for me some time back with some CDs playing (Lisa Eckdahl now).

Other than the fact that my head is throbbing prob from the lack of sleep, I feel much more centred, rather than feeling like there's a thousand and one forces tugging at me.

If only it had been a retreat at some quiet resort in some exotic places, like Ubud. Still haven't had the chance to check out that place.

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