Saturday, March 14, 2009

A few turns of serendipity

On wed, I was having a headache. I wanted to look for an ex-colleague but realised I lost her number. Questions with no answers and the meeting was going to be next day morning. Went home log on facebook and saw one message from another ex-colleauge asking about life after resignation. A few exchanges later, I realised that I could ask him the same question and then received the perfect answer cos someone from his squad was doing the actual process before.

During the same day, a friend cancelled dinner appointment, which means it was going to another 宅女day - work,go home. Just that, another friend sms to have dinner. Good! So where exactly to eat at Vivo City would be confirmed. I was craving for beer and sausages, but not sure if she wanted to go Brozeit. Well, will see then. Then at night, she called and said that she wanted to go to the place we went the other time - which was Brozeit! Woohoo~ Beer!

Today while driving to work, I was pondering - to park at the free carpark and walk the 7 mins to office, or to save the trouble by spending money and just park at the multi-story carpark, since I was going to be on PM leave anyway. Hmm..the stinginess seeped in and I decided that 7 mins of walking will help to burn off some stuff in view of the wedding dinner tonight..not to say that I still get to save the parking charges. At 10.30am, I was despairing at the downpour while looking out from the window, thinking that I will be one drenched person by the time I walk to my car later. A colleauge offered her "Disney Princess" umbrella for the walk before we went out for lunch. So lunch we went, in the same building, and just as I left the building, the sky cleared with not much of a sign of an ealier downpour. So I returned the umbrella and walked off lunch by the time I reach the car.

Tonight, I was the Mandarin emcee for a friend's wedding dinner. I had never emcee-d for wedding dinners, not to mention in Mandarin. My counterpart, though a didn't turn up for the rehearsal), but was gaming enough, making small talks, easing the pre-stage jitters that I seems to be having nowdays. And the whole process went well.

I'm grateful.

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