Friday, February 20, 2009

Times of Your Life

I remember...

the day when I didn't go home straight away after kindergarten class, and went to play "slide" at the small cement small hill (which was a common feature of playgrounds then). I reached home to a worried mum, tattered dress and a super sore bum

the day of my first day in secondary school feeling damn proud of my school uniform - socks pulled super high, skirt super long, specs super geeky and bag super heavy, but I am almost an adult now! - legs swinging on the bus seats and counting the stops to the school.

my favourite song, played over the PA system, during JC orientation, all sunny outside, pure adolescent fun and laughters inside the hall.

the first shirt I bought for my father, though branded, with no workmanship at all and how my dad pointed out that nicely made shirts should have stripes meeting at where the different bit of fabrics were joined. And that is what I still do nowadays to see if the shirts are nicely made or not - check if the stripes are meeting.

when my hand was first held by my first serious boyfriend, on the pretext of crossing the roard to my house, when I had been crossing the same road for the past 18 years. And the hand was held until let away 5 years later.

the sky (and later ceiling in the clinic) which I could only see, when I had to be stretchered out of the field after gotten hit by a hockey stick on the forehead at Bangkok, 1996. I remembered I was telling everybody I was ok until when the doctor started stitching in the clinic, and suddenly worried about the sanitary state of the needles ( was foreign country mah), I started sobbing quietly. When the doctor asked if I was scared, I lied and said that it was the pain of the needle(I should have been given anesthetic already?!)

the time when we were stopped by a police officer in NZ, and I was so close to being arrested for driving without a license (I had! But I forgot to bring!). I suddenly was gripped by fear of having to spend one night at the lockup, I could almost faint. And only to be let off with a playful slap on the wrist by the friendly police officer.

the night when I blew the birthday candle on the beach, and so much other snapshots in time, but the world broke into million pieces half a year later. Somehow it's hard to feel whole again ever since then.

and so many more...

What do you remember?