Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two good things that happened today!

1. A really, really, really nice rainbow! Somehow most of the rainbow that I see were misty, blurry and half formed. Today's was the first rainbow I saw that was full arc-ed, with real disctintive and discernable colours - 红,橙,黄,绿,蓝,碇,紫 (exactly like keuh lapis if you ask me). I've got photo..will upload when there's more time

2. 金城武!Watched K-2o today. The show is only good cos of him! 帅!

How can you not like him??


Becky said...

I like him alot and I also want to watch that show! Is the show nice? least u got chance still lah hor.... my chance over liao...

MojitoMint said...

er..the show is only good cos of him lor.hahah~ storyline is std and preditable la. But Takeshi is cute!!! and that was enough for me :p

where got chance..