Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Was freaking bored when I finally ran out of House M.D. DVD. So finally dragged myself to my next favourite past-time - clearing up from my room.

And today my "prized items" were my uni books and notes.

I mean, ever since I graduated from uni (which was x number of years ago), I always cant bear to get rid of the books and notes. I mean I tried to sell the books but it seems that students nowadays love the smell and touch of new books than anything. Of course the fact that the uni changed the recommended book list every year didn't help. By the time I finish one year the books were deemed as redundant by the next. On the other hand, the notes were my darlings, painstakingly compiled and annotated and doodled and colored..couldn't bear to throw them away in the light of "maybe they will come in handy one day" mentality.

Yeah right. I haven't touched them since I received my convocation papers.

Anyway, I decided that today they will go.

As I was clearing the stuff out of the box, I happened to see my attachment report amongst the stash. As I was flipping through it, I was amazed at how well I wrote the paper. I was clear, concise, articulating.

I thought work is supposed to make you better, more skilled. But instead, I realised that I was becoming less sharp and possibly more dull - what has happened since I graduated? The monotony and narrow scope of work, the bitterness of office politics, and the resignation to manipulation by higher management?

I resent being so. I think come what may, it's time to rev up the engine a bit.

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