Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My steps to more self discipline

Step NO 1. Sleep Early

I havent been hitting my bed anytime before 12 midnight for the longest time. THe most recent time was in Bali (where the only past-time was sleep cos horrors!There were no tv in the rooms which we were staying in and I finished the only book I brought on the first day!).

So last night I decided that enough was enough (of course, the fact that I finished watching the DVDs I borrowed.. ) and I was all ready for bed by 11pm.

And tossed and turned for a good half hour I think. The usual dream-state sleep toward waking up didn't help. But counting back, it was the first 8 hour sleep that I had for ages. I better keep it up if I want to get rid of THE dark eye circles.

Step No 2. Start Running

After the Nike Run, I decided that I need to recuperate. For a few days.

Which extended to a full 2 weeks :p

Of course, what resulted was expected, exacerbated with the recently gourging of mooncakes.

So providence provides, I grabbed the oppotunity when an email thread came from the most unexpected person to remind us that it's about time to start getting fit, and jio-ed people to go running. Today was the first session at Macritchie. We are going to do Botanic Gardens next Tues!

It's always nice to run at nice places..and of course the fact that there are people waiting for you to run together helped cos you dont want to be known as the "pilot" lor.

To Stan Chart and lean body! yay!

Step NO 3. Money-wise

I had a thought recently, and I deicded that that will be my financial goal for the next few years.

Cant remember where I read it from, but typical Taurus got bad money sense (cos they love pretty things too much!!!). But when they decide that there is something they want to get, they will work the hell towards it.


Gone are online shopping and shoes (only if I'm still thinking about the stuff the next day. Hey a girl's gonna get what a girl luvs right? :p), expensive lunches (just not so frequent..special occasion still can la).

Hmm...I realise I dont have much vices money-wise. That'll do for a start :D


I realised I haven't been photo-blogging recently..seems like nothing interesting recently :/

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