Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thurs Escapade

Began as a normal Thurs.

Then things started to get interesting after morning coffee (I'm practically zomb before my bitter medicine in the morning).
Escapade 1

Went to Munch for lunch to meet a friend.This was actually the second time I went to Munch,the first time forgot to take photos at all, so no point blogging. This time I remember ;)

And quite glad that my smart friend grabbed a seat just outside the restaurant, where I can sit down and snapped this shot. Cos I realised that THERE ARE REALLY A LOT OF PEOPLE IN SHENTON WAY. I would have felt quite conscious if I had to stand outside and take photograph, people might think that I am quite mad...

Basically Munch is a salad bar kind of small cafe, but they do sell sandwiches (and I think soba as well?) But anyway I love the whole concept of nibbling at stuff in a big bowl(some people like to gobble, but yes, I love to nibble..)

I took this photo to remind myself what I had today..lemme see..
(i) Roasted sweet potato
(ii) cherry tomato & olive
(iii) grilled mushroom
(iv) romaine lettuce
(v) waldorf salad

Downside is that it's quite pricey at $8 plus per bowl for the monstersize portion (plus petrol for driving down + parking ). But definitely something that I will think of if I drop by that part of town ( I will also remember Amoy market during lunch time but that is for another reason altogther..the tissue packs! I seriously had hell of a culture shock when I had to lunch at Amoy once :s)
Other than the nibbles, lunch was great cos of the conversation. It's nice when someone is on the same wavelength 关于 人事物, the conversation can just go non-stop. I had moments when I was talking with my mouth unladylike..maybe nibbles is not something good to go when you have a lot to talk about.hahah~
Anyway after the fulfilling lunch it was work all the way. Didn't even have pantry break; another downside to eating all the fibre is that they really somehow digest faster.
Escapade 2
Then it was rushing down to Delta SC for the International Hockey Challenge. The Singapore and Malaysia women's game started at 6pm, so only managed to catch the second half. All I can say, GO GIRLS! Another 2 more to go! (I miss the days of competing..)
Darn, gg to miss tomorrow's game Sing vs the Aussies. Want to watch the Aussies powerful field play..
Escapade 3
Ended the day with a nice finger food dinner at Oosh. This time can have my mojito! But quite disappointing, not sugary or minty enough. And next time I shall remember - must reserve trellis 9 next time to overlook the pool.
Overall another satisfying day ;)))

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