Thursday, October 11, 2007

Random thoughts

Life is quite a weird journey.

We all can choose so many different paths in life. Peppered with different emotions, although all branching out from 喜,怒,哀,乐, but end results can be so vastly different like different projectiles going all different directions.

I am what I am now, cos of choices made 5 years back with all ensuring emotions roller-coaster rides. 5 years later, I will be what I will be of choices made now. "Sliding Doors" come into mind again..

We are so conditioned by what we are accustomed to - things we used to see, people whom we know, the way things were done. Preconceived notions somehow are just hard to shake away. "You cant teach an old dog new tricks".

Even if there are no major changes in my life, when I am not making a conscious effort, I am already changing - just a matter of making a concerted effort to engineer the change towards something which I want, or just let things take its course?

In today's context, the only constant is change.

Scary. Watch the world change, or to join the world in changing?

Rolling stone gather no moss.

I think if someone stands still at Raffles Place during lunch time, a lot of people will be staring at him like he's some kind of weirdo. Everybody is moving, and moving, and moving........gather no moss. But are we getting anything out of moving so much?

I ponder more nowadays. Esp in the car.

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