Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bookmooch + Fluff pet!

Whenever I see an email from Bookmooch,my heart aches.

For the uninitiated, www.bookmooch.com is the depository for all the book lovers around the world to list the books they have, and the books they want. Sent a few books myself - singapore, usa, finland.

And of course, I listed the books that I want to read in the website. So whenever someone list those books in the website, I will receive an alert from Bookmooch to mooch the books if I want.


That's what causing the heartaches =((

I used to standby one book at anyone time, and grab to read - before sleep most of the time, on holiday etc..Now when I see a good book review, remembered Ian Rankin, see another bookmooch email on another Issac Asimov book, my heart aches.............

Think I will continue to list the books in bookmooch, so that one day I shall look at the list and read all the books one shot. By the beach in some beachy resort.

Till then...heartaches.


And partly the reason that I dont have time to read before sleep...I am addicted to my fluff pet in facebook :p

I am still trying to figure out what is her fav food..and I will definitely race her more often ( and not lose to a tortise!Lose munny!)


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