Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ordinary People, Lengendary Loves

How do you love somebody, and how do you know he is the one you love.

Just finished watching Krishnan's Dairy, by the same person who did Guru of Chai.

Didn't actually plan to watch this..given the really cliche sypnosis - love story, immigrants, corner store....

The story started off with a slow start, and I was wondering where it was heading. But it got more interesting halfway, and ended off with a bang. The punchline came so simply and real strong. Hopes, dreams, love - can be so simple.

That's life.

It's always a marvel how a simple story can be transformed by a good story teller with a few simple props.

Anyway 5 shows left! Or otherwise, as the main lead let on, wait for the feature film soon.

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