Friday, March 30, 2012

Be yourself

I came across something that day - imagine if you ask yourself this question: what do you do everyday?

Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep. Go work, go eat, go home, go sleep.......

You get the drift.

At least I get some respites with the little escapades. But every now and then there is always some hair tearing moments that I fretted if this is ever all I will get out of my life, and if I should be doing something else.

Always feels like a mid-life crisis every time.

And then I came across this vid. In Paulo Coelho's words - be yourself, be useful, be a good example, and spread the joy.

If you are a tree, you are a tree. No point trying to think if you would rather be a river.

Just be yourself.

(Still, I am sure there's always this perennial question - who is this "yourself"? Ahhhhh yes.......)

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