Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guru of Chai

It has been a long time since I have been to such an entertaining play. A practically one-man show telling the story of 3 main characters, but I think at one point in time there were more like 7-8 characters, all played by one person. And with practically no other props than lights, sound, rich songs (I wish I knew what was being sung!) and well..one puppet parrot. Read more about the production here.

It's amazing to see one so good at his craft. And passionately loves his job too.

It's not easy to make your passion your work, hearing that harsh realities often crack those rose-tinted glasses off pretty fast. But for those who could, it would have been the most wonderful thing as like what they always say, then you would never have to work for the rest of your life.

(If anybody is interested to catch The Guru of Chai, good luck cos heard it would be full house or selected seats left until the show closes this weekend!)

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