Saturday, March 13, 2010

(Warped) Perception of My world

I have been talking to a lot of persons lately (which is a rather taxing ordeal for someone who doesn't really like to talk..).

From what we talked about, it seemed that these people are leading the high life (of sort), for their kind of background. Darn if I wouldn't be surprised that there will be less people who still believe that ploughing through higher education and putting in effort is the path to a better paid job = better life. This realisation had apparently defied the principles which I thought had held true since young, that you reap for the efforts you sow, and a way, my world became a bit twisted when the pillars of my belief got thwarted.

Which threw up a lot of questions in my mind - from a sociology point of view, how is this going to contribute to the society? Compared to an engineer, a teacher, the man or woman in uniform - the people who build and maintain the fabric of this society.

But of course, in this world of dollars and cents, the one who brings in the dough, justifies a bigger share of it. Even though it is based on providing "entertainment" for which outcome is favourable to only one party at the end of the day. Now I understand why a doctor had commented that it is an industry which doesn't bring value to the society.
But I remember this liner which I had read before (ok I cant remember where I had read it from, so don't sue me) - "Don't envy the person for what he is now, for you have not walked his path".

Hmm.. well... I need much more convincing to feel and know that what I am doing now is right cos it just doesn't make sense any more.

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