Saturday, March 6, 2010

First game for 2010

Seeing the lack of people going down to training and we are going to have some new players from other club, ZA decided that instead of hoping people will turn up for training, we might as well just play friendly and do with what we have, or rather what we lack of.

That's how I picked up my hockey stick after more than half a year of hiatus. Playing at 2pm is madness..with the swaltering heat that has been hitting Singapore for the past week. And having no match fitness is not joke. I didn't even run much as how a game is likely going to be. Bleh.

After the game, we decided we wanted to go to an aircon place and lose some of that heat, and eventually landed up at Marbel Slab Creamery at Cluny House. Ice cream! So much for putting back whatever was expended. Although after that I realised that the ice-cream there was exorbitantly expensive...

And that was where we heard how things were at the nat'l team. I don't recall having gone through so much politicking and during my time, everybody was pretty much getting along with everybody else (minus the character clash).

It seemed like we kinda took for granted how things were run - more systematically,clear leadership, and very much self-initiated. I don't recall any rude remarks were tolerated, which never happened anyway. Any comments had to be positively constructed, for the purpose to make things better, rather than sarcastic remarks for the sake of putting the other person else down. In fact, that kinda shaped how I think a team should communicate to one another, which was why I hated it if I hear anybody now harp on other people's mistakes but don't offer any solution or assistance, which I think is a waste of anybody's bloody time. Of course, that was also why those years of playing with the team left so many good memories. I dont think I would have enjoyed the times as much if there was someone who kept passing caustic remarks and putting people down.

It had been valuable memories and life skills that will never leave anybody; too bad the current team don't experience that kind of camaraderie.

1 comment:

Administrator said...

i wanna be ur friend

can u pls add me

i am from maldives