Saturday, March 20, 2010

Childlike vs Childish

I remember that was this occasion at a friend's place. Another friend was recounting her impression of her future (or should it be current? anyway it's complicated) boss who "has an idealistic childlike thinking" on how a corporation should reorganise when someone commented,"You sounded like you got a crush on him lor..(it could have been) childish say like childlike". And we all had a good laugh over that when my friend was stumped for words for a while..

Childlike. Childish.

There seems to be a fine line distinguishing both. Childlike connote a wide-eye innocence, with an idealistic view of the world, seeing everything with a new perspective and enthusiasm..while childish? Unreasonable tantrum, irrational and baseless tantrum and behaviour come to mind. You know..sometimes when a group of kids play together, there may be just one kid that just super irritates you even though you know that he/she is just a kid, and you wonder if it is genetics or the parents' work.

Anyway, the comment at my friend's place surfaced after I encountered something today. Or rather, I heard an episode which totally irks me, knowing the character involved and understand possibly his rationale, motivation and the irritating glee which he must have felt after he got what he wanted.

But knowing this person, I wonder if I should term his behaviour childish or childlike.

On normal days, he is someone who probably has an idealistic approach on how thing is, even though we around him will sometimes roll our eyes in exasperation at how he arrive at his conclusion. Ok, maybe only me who thinks that this world is imperfect, with many shades and nuances of grey. Discussion was always a painful affair when he would argue that everything should be of an ideal way, which more often than not..would be his way. Cos the other ways are just not ..ideal. But usually, he is someone who I would compartmentalise as "harmless". Childlike thinking, I thought.

But recently, I think his behaviour is childish, which as dictionary defines, behaviour that befits a child but if any child behaves that way I would have called him a spoilt brat.

The way he complains how things are done, how he had been mistreated and judged unfairly, how he wanted to be sure that he's better than the rest, how he refuse to share the shitty work, just cos..sorry, why should he be faulted for everybody else's lack of ability to catch up. In the end, he probably didn't realise that he bad-mouthed the same people who pulled him up. Different matter altogether, he would say. I say it's totally bad ethics.

I wonder why my bile rose when I heard what happened a few days ago. Funny thing is, it doesn't change anything now. The only plausible reason is probably that his mentality contradicts all the my beliefs - no one exist as an island, and when the person next to you need some help, why not when you have the capacity. And if you are really someone with the ability, you might as well put it to good use rather than whine and grumble when they don't happen the way you want it. And for freaking sake, stop being so concerned about being where you stand in the cohort and start helping out!

It seemed to be mean to label anybody as childish, when it probably is just how he is wired. I wish I had the nonchalance to just diss it off as another of his antics, but nevertheless..irksome and getting on my (very strained) nerves, which right now feels like nails scratching across the blackboard. Ack.

Childish. But what the heck. It's his life.

(This seemed to be a post to rant. In is. Need to release some steam. Anyway more on "childlike" next time..another thought been bouncing around recently...hmmm)

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