Friday, January 1, 2010

'Ello 2010!~

The very first few hours of the new year saw me being so wasted...I swear never to play drinking games ever again :s Let's just hope that it wont set the tone for this year *cross fingers*

What a way to end the last decade - the last 10 years which saw me graduating exactly 10 years ago and stepping into the real world where nothing ever follows what the text books says. And I must say it was a roller-coaster ride of a decade.

Talking about the new year, I realise that I havent made my new year resolution yet. Well..the memory of some new year resolutions that didn't materialise are still pretty vivid...but I read somewhere that making new year resolutions provides some kind of new hope, which is somewhat good for your mental health :D

so here goes..

(i) swim more, run more
(ii) get the back strengthened! No more back pain!
(iii) Have more faith, keep more hope
(iv) hmm...find that someone-someone?? (I wouldn't call it a resolution can anyone resolute to find his - her partner? know someone who did. But then that's another blog entry altogether)

Hmm..that seems pretty short, but I guess that should be it. May 2010 be the new starting point for a better decade!

1 comment:

Sunshine23 said...

Hey Missy, totally agree with how on point 4, how to even make that a resolution? lol..