Sunday, May 17, 2009


Part of lunch routine at Anchopoint will see me checking out the 10 dollar CD booth just before popping out to wait for the shuttlebus. I am a sucker for CDs even when I know that I will never go through the covers after I buy them, and also that I dont have enough space for CDs already (amongst other things like books, dresses, earrings...). But then again, it would always be the CD covers that beckons to me to give them a chance.

That's how I came to lay my hands on this.
I have heard him as "Khalil 方大同" and I would always wonder why would this new Taiwan guy give himself a Malay name?! But anway this CD cover look nice (I am so shallow), plus the uncle manning the booth was saying that this was one of the the newest stock. So went my $10, ripped and uploaded into my Ipod.

And the album was on repeat mode in my car today.

Then I found out from wiki that first, he is not a Taiwanese, and actually from Hong Kong. Second, he swept like 4 awards from producer to best male singer in Commercial Radio Hong Kong 叱咤风云大奖 in 2008。

Youtube is flooded with users now I the last clip on Khalil Fong..together with Joanna Wang.

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