Sunday, May 15, 2011


Some people watch movies as a form of escapism, where you watch the characters live the lives which will never happen in you lifetime, and derive some form of kick from the show. Well, that's the magic of movie.

Which also explained why there were people who suffered post-Avatar blues.

In you belong to the susceptible group, don't ever watch Biutiful.

The pains and heartaches are so real that it was disconcerting to watch. Watching a man about to dying, and fighting against time to do whatever he can. To see the underbelly of a society, the under-privileged and the exploited.

It has a happy ending nonetheless. In the show, Uxbal's spiritual mentor (I'm not sure who she was, but it appeared to be that case), when Uxbal lamented that he couldn't die because he had to take care of his children, she told him that it wasn't him that was taking care of the children. it was the universe, and what he could do was only to prepare them.

How true- you can only prepare up to your limit, and the rest, it's really beyond you. Just let the universe handles it.

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