Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I officially survived on exactly 10 hrs sleep since Sunday night.

On Sunday, I laid on my bed at 10pm,only managed to nod off at 12mn, only to wake up again at 3, without any further respite until about 5am, when I wasn't even sure if I slept again or was in the nowhere twilight zone. The same thing happened last night, waking up at 4 oddish..tossing and turning before I decided to just get up.

And made salad.

From the late grocery shopping last night (Nothing is more therapeutic than walking down the aisle and making important decisions.. like do I really want the strawberry one? Microwave or panfried?)

Cut. Tear. Steam. Dice. By 6am, I had 4 lunch boxes of salad, packed one into my lunch bag and tossed 3 into the fridge.

As the day light slowly seeping into the indigo sky, I opened up the cereal box and Meiji milk (full cream, no less) (yes, also from the grocery shopping), and started munching on the cereal reading the papers. At the back of my mind, I wonder if the cereal have any more nutritional value than the box it came in. But what the heck. I'm bought into the consumerism of breakfast cereal ("Start Your Day Great with XXXXX Cereals!").

By 7, it's the official time to start the day..after mustering enough will to drag myself off the chair and into the shower.

By 8, I was ready to face the world again.


12 hours later, I feel like I am jetlagging from a different time zone.

Maybe I really had been transported to a different place now. Just that I am not sure if I had came out to a new one, or regressing into somewhere from the past.

I see some sinister dark shadows though.


I can't believe I got to get up at 3am tomorrow.

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