Friday, February 19, 2010

Freaking irritating!!!

My weekend plan had to be shelved just cos of a freaking irritating idiot who thinks that only he's entitled to have a life on weekends, and on such short notice. Now I understand why he hadn't wanted to alternate the duties on weekdays. I should have seen it coming. Damn.

It would have been more bearable if it had been a deliberate or planned arrangement, but so far it felt that it had been based on whims and fancies. It's exacerbated with the occasional caustic and baseless remarks peppering the emails for some of the other work issues, which culmulatively, it totally puzzles the team and make us weary.


Just done with the first wave, the second wave is pressing on relentlessly, and it's going to be long hours and weekends burnt for the next few months. A good leader would have been such an enabling factor. Too bad it is sorely lacking currently.

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