Sunday, April 12, 2009


Was holed up at home for the whole of today. I skipped my usual Sunday routine of car-washing, cos decided that the back wasn't cooperative enough to carry 2 pails of water down to the car. So poor Aidan, this was the first time that I deliberately not wash him (the other time being I was still in Bintan over the weekend till Monday). So he would have to tahan 2 weeks' worth of grime until I wash him next Sunday (the probability of that happening is yet to be known, depending on how I survive this week)

And then, Murphy's Law has again exemplified itself. It hadn't rain today, vs the many times when I washed the car, followed by torrential downpour within the next few hours =.="


When I finally put myself to packing, I was packing in the work clothes and then I realised I may need something warmer. And being the lazy dresser I was, my wool top and tutlenecks were in black. And my work suit is black. Which means I may just end up looking like a dominatrix if I ever do that combi.

And that coupled with the fact that I cant find my Oz travel adaptor, and the excuse that I probably need to walk off the stiff back, beckoned the gatherer in me and saw me driving to Vivo to have a quick spree, with a quick sms to the 宅男to have dinner together.

Again, Murphy's Law was at work again. I always thought knitted turtlenecks were the staple at Zara. Instead I found two shirt dresses. Zilt on what was my target. And I shouldn't have watched "Confession of A Shopaholic", cos I ended up asking myself in the dressing room, "Do I really need this? Do I really need this? Do I really need this???".

I just hoped that I hadn't freaked out the shopper in the next changing cubicle.

And of course, I didn't. I would if I have wardrobe the size of a garage. And damn the movie too. For making me so rational - shopping rationally can be so drab sometimes!

So I ended up buying a international travel adaptor (rational choice..since I am tired of trying to search for the specific pieces whenever I need. My irrational shopping demon is not appeased!!!), and rushed off for dinner, with the sms to 宅男 in advance, "Don't order too much!"

Dinner with 宅男was always a fill-till-tummy-explode affair. This friend always have tendencies to over-order, since his mantra was always to make the full out of his weekend, include gluttony indulgence =.="

But this time, the culprit was me as I was eyeing the satay stall and asked... " want to eat satay?" Looking at my gluttony eyes, this friend was only too happy to oblige and so we had 10 satays, on top of one big bowl of soup, one big bowl of braised sea cucumber, 3 prawn rolls, and a bowl of white rice each :D

Hohoho~My irrational shopping demon was appeased!!!!Albeit in a different manner.

I am still very full!! And the back still aching. I wonder if I can survive sitting for 7 hours straight :/

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