Sunday, November 27, 2011


This impenetrable gloominess of dusk
that muddles the light into nuances of grey.
Secretly letting in the dark
while tricking the mind ,
believing that light still prevails.

But for a light
to cut through the fallen dark
into clear shades of black and white
and show the path
towards the awaiting dawn.

(Have always felt unnerved by the dusk, that even with lights turned on, it always felt "half-dark". Opened my eyes earlier from a failed attempt to nap, to find that dusk had fallen, with the "half-dark" feeling all over again, physically and emotionally. Suddenly not sure where I am headed towards... feeling all murked up and sliding towards some dark pool. But maybe that's not a bad thing, if it throws out clearer perspective of things. We'll see..)

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